The sauce, refers to the vaginal juices which one may lick, slurp, or even dive into.
"Damn son you can swim in my sauce any day."
Finna take some sauce and listen to old The Weeknd, deathgrips and lucki
sauce is a versatile word that can be used as an exclamation, a verb, or even a noun.
As an exclamation it can be used to express excitement, usually happily but also nervously. (See Ex. 1)
It can also be used as an exclamation of victory. (See Ex. 2)
Or as a battle cry or focus-shout while throwing or hitting something, like "HIII-YA".
When in its verb form it has different tenses with different spellings, like any other verb.
(Present) I sauce
(Past/Imperfect) I was saucing
(Past/Perfect) I sauced
(Future) I will sauce
(Future perfect) I will have sauced
As a noun, 'a sauce' is the action of saucing. Sauce can also be a feeling or emotion, usually like an adrenaline rush. (see Ex. 1)
(Ex. 1)
TAL: Aw man it's the last track meet! I'm so pumped! I'm just gonna SAUCE down that track!
FREDDY: Geez I'm nervous. I hope I don't screw this up...
TAL: You just gotta get into the feel of it dude! Just get that SAUCE flowing!
Dude2: Yeah... you're right!
Ex. 2)
The dude from Ex. 1 just won his race,
A Canadian term, used mostly by the common hockey douche.
Basically meaning to pass something over to them.
“Hey mom, can you SAUCE me the butter”
“Hey bro, SAUCE the puck”
A slang verb that is usually used when requesting something from someone. Saucing something to someone would mean that you're giving it to them.
Ex. I: "Hey bro, sauce me some of those Doritos!"
Ex. II: "You got any leftover soda? Sauce (me some)."
Actual name of Abdullah Khan.
Full name: Sauce Khanum.
Other names: Suzy, Susana, Susan, Sawsan, Baby.