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1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale

A common tool used to roughly measure the attractiveness of a woman through 10 general features.
The most commonly judged features, though varying between individuals, are:
Hair, Nose, Teeth, Lips, Neck/Chin, Chest/Breasts, Stomach, Waist, Hips and Rear/Ass.
For each feature on the list, the woman can score a point. If all the features on the list are good on the woman, then she scores 10.

Dude 1: "Dude, did you see that chick I was with last night?"
Dude 2: "Yeah dude, she was totally a 10 *on the 1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale"

*No-one would say that but I need to include the term in the definition

by ThatRussianGuy October 2, 2016

1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale

A scale from 1-10 (1 being the least, 10 being the most) on which you rate how attractive a female is.

Guy 1: How would you rate that girl over there on a 1-10 female attractiveness scale?

Guy 2: I don't know, maybe around 7 or 8.

by MissHughMungus October 3, 2016

1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale

A scale used for transgender that were originally men and are now woman, used to rate them by attractiveness.

Bob- Hey Jerry, what do you think of Caitlyn Jenner?
Jerry- On the 1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale, she's like a 0.1.

by Rushhoodlum September 4, 2016

1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale

A scale between 1-10 (usually) where men Rate how sexy a woman is. Generally shortened down to 1-10? or "Rate Her"

Vihan: See Jess there, what would you rate her on the 1-10 Female Attractiveness Scale?

Jay: She so hot I give her a fucking 10!

by Legendary legends September 25, 2016

1-10 female attractiveness scale

Pretty explanatory. Women are rated on a scale of 1 to 10 based on how attractive they are. 1 being the female version of shrek and 10 being a girl hot enough to give you a boner big enough to put a whole in your jeans.

Dude I saw this girl she was so hot

Wait really like how hot
on the 1-10 female attractiveness scale she was a 12

by MichaelHicks September 14, 2016

1-10 female attractiveness scale

Basically a "measurement" of how a boy or possibly girl(whatever floats your boat) would rate a female. The lowest rate being a 1 and the highest being a 10. The following factors that will affect the rate are the looks and body.

Boy 1: Dude, look, that girl over there fine.
Boy 2: Naw, she a 6 on the 1-10 female attractiveness scale at most.

Boy 1: I think she bad. 10 outta 10.

by imSHOOKasf September 1, 2016

1-10 female attractiveness scale

A sort of poll that attention seeking females ask innocent people to involve themselves in in vain hope of it making them feel better about themselves. I would personally advise to never participate in these polls, as there is no right way to answer them. With an attractive person, voting low can make you seem petty and spiteful. If you vote high, all you are doing is feeding their already inflated ego. They know they look good. With an uglier person, the situation is even more delicate. Vote low, and you seem like an asshole for telling the truth and will surely hurt the asked. Vote high, and you seem like a lier. Don't partake. It's dangerous.

Person: rate me with the 1-10 female attractiveness scale pls me: I'd rather not actually

by Mr Kyte! September 22, 2016