Something a pussy would say. NOT a swear word. Morty uses it a lot, because he is a fucking pussy.
Oh jeez, Rick!
Oh jeez, what is happening!? (Instead of "Shit, what the fuck is going on!?")
svsfvsfbfbjonjjnjsbfnjbnf I'm Fucking Dying ssfvsnfbsfbisfbnsfijb
Oh No Me Heart Stopped adcdovoskfvvsfvnjosvjno I'm Fucking Dying advsfvfskonnonj
When you look around the Corner and see that booty and you suddenly get hungry
*turns around*
"Oh yum"
"Damn I'm suddenly hungry "
A messed up version for oh my god
It can be used we some one is being retarted or a idiot
Oh mah goodness that guy is a dumbass.
where some snatch gets too pissed to care about having a spitroast, and replys with this
Leanne- " Oh dear, can i join in? "
Danny- " Yeh Want a Spitroast?"
Leanne " Oh Dear Spitroast"
No Ida got it in a message from a chick on a dating site was hoping it would be on hear any ideas on what it means ??? Coz Damb is she hot so don't wanna look like a toss ;)
oh boy! penetrate into my e-world ;-p
Something said when there is a problem or issue
Oh Skitz, you dissed me again..