1. A misspelling of Jesus Christ
2. A man who died for your crust
"You going to church today?" "Nah, I'm going to chirch." "What's that?" "It's where you can go and worship our lord and savior Jesus Chrust." "Go fuck yourself."
Orange Jesus Christ is an expletive interjection that refers to the Christian religious figure of Jesus Christ and Donald Trump combined. It is typically uttered in anger, surprise, or frustration; although often with humorous intent. It should be used when the more common expletive, Jesus Christ, is just not sufficient to explain the outrageousness of a situation. OJC is an acronym with the same meaning and use.
Have you been following American politics? Orange Jesus Christ it’s out of control.
Rhino jesus is a rhino, he likes to get fucked up on Smirnoff and doesn't make the right decision, that's why people get hit by airplanes 9 times out of 10. Oh and he also protects the board game Jumanji.
Rhino jesus definition:
"This must be the work of rhino jesus!"
A FICTIONAL sexual "maneuver" that you would apply to a person you don't particularly like (or in some cases- hate), but still want to have sexual intercourse because they are extremely hot.
It is a maneuver specifically made up for fantasy purposes only- as the other person would die. It involves you nailing the A-hole/ Bitch to a cross, and then nailing him/ her (with consent).
Paul: "Damn, Bob's sister is a total Bitch. Did you hear what she said?"
Tom: "I know, what a total Bitch. She's really hot though."
Paul: "I know- I'd like to give that bitch the screaming Jesus."
Tom: "Me too, man."
A thing a guy says when he’s about to reach an orgasm, commonly used when a guy is jerking off. He’s typically in his christian mothers basement trying to make it seem like he’s praying but he’s not. Obviously.
This is any worker at Bunnings warehouse that knows what the fuck he's doing and is a sickunt for helping you when you try to find out the 3 ials that have 15 different types of tech screws
Jesus (Bunnings) thank you for leading me to the techscrews in ial 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
P2: no worries woka thatil be $5:98
Bunnings Jesus is Australia's Jesus christ. Think Jesus but he smokes cones, darts(cigarettes), drinks, and blesses gavos by appearing in all his Bunnings glory