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Sweet Cuppin Cakes

1.When you want to say, that something is super fuckin ass cool but would enjoy to be a little more sincere in the words.

2. When a situation arrives that you want to say cool in a never heard before way.

3. Someone says something so shockingly funny that you need to use this phrase cause no other words can come to mind!

Wow, Miss K that pasta was Sweet Cuppin Cakes

:You: Hey Tim, that movie was Sweet Cuppin Cakes
:Tim: Wow, what a cool word! YOU RULE!

by Super Sean November 8, 2005

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Pudgy Fudge Cakes

Used to describe a friend's girlfriend whom you hate or dislike. This term should be used when that certain girlfriend is all or some of the following qualities:
1) fat
2) ugly
3) stupid
4) childish
5) annoying
6) short
7) immature
8) anti-social
9) minipulative
10) passive agressive
11) bitch
12) foul
13) fowl
14) rude
15) afraid to speak to anyone than her boyfriend

John: Dude, did you see that foul bitch?
Kevin: Yeah John, she was a pudgy fudge cakes

Dan: Yo Curtland, ever been to the ghetto?
Curtland: Yes, I reside there
Dan: Are there any fine bitches 'round?
Curtland: Nah, just a bunch of pudgy fudge cakes

by Ahmad Sahmoud November 24, 2009

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Cheese Cake

An over weight person from birmingham or the black country.

I saw a right cheese cake in the bull ring yesterday.

by Simon Enrique September 19, 2006

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Cheese Cake

Soft, like a pussy ass nigga.

That boy Cedric, was cheese cake compared to me!

by Sada November 28, 2003

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mangia cake

a name given to white or wanna be italians. individuals who try and act Italian so that they may blend in, however, this does not fool the true Italians and they are rejected from the clan and called mangia cakes meaning eating cake ( because they are overweight white people)

johnathan is such a mangia cake look at him trying to say per favore

by jhhvhlugb booboo April 10, 2012

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A slang term for an over weight or obese person. Looking as though his/her has eaten more then his/her fare share of cake.

Additions can be made to it to make it sound more awesome.

That person is a double stuffed cake-eater.

by DR. Rapp May 7, 2008

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mexican birthday cake

The act of eating several helpings of beans and deficating them on somebodys person.

I gave Sherry a mexican birthday cake and she was delighted to receive it.

by scott negley March 21, 2007

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