What’s left over in the toilet after period sex. The combination of shed uterus and semen post-intercourse.
There was a whole load of strawberries n cream in the toilet after he finished inside her....
An entitled individual… who never had to experience what it takes to pay the bills… or get to work on time.
That cream bitch won’t be in today.!
When your buddy picks you up…… after you just got done pounding out the local town whore…… and unbeknownst to you, he’s still wearing the rubber and he rips it off and launches it into the Gennesee River.
Dude, what the fuck are you doing? I’m launching this Magnum into the Genesee river. The ole Genny Cream Ale Slingshot!!
Getting cummed in on a beach and pushing it out onto the sand like it’s seagull shit🏝
Damn! Did you just step in some Cali Cream?
A cream pie the size of a mountain
I gave her one hell of a cream pike
A family friendly way of describing jiz, man fat or gentlemans relish.
A covert way of drawing attention to a semen stain or residue on someone's clothing or body.
Elizabeth: "so Megan, it was wonderful to meet you and spend Xmas with you and Harry, even if you have spent most of your time in the bedroom".
Megan: "thank you, it has been really nice to meet you and Phillip also.
Elizabeth: "just one thing before you go...I suggest you visit the bathroom and wipe Harry's Happy Cream from your cheek, dear. The paparazzi will have you for fucking breakfast if you go out in that state".
Megan: "Yes ma'am"
Sandringham Palace December 2017
When the homophobic bully in high school beats you and calls you slurs in front of his friends but then barebacks you in the public bathroom stall
Jeremy, the football captain Hate Creamed me after that really tough game.