In the midst of passion, a man urinates on a woman with a bountiful bush.
Right before my monthly waxing my man gives me one epic wet squirrel.
When She is Really Wet And Turned On And Is Dripping Wet. Wet Cooch
I was fingering her last night and all I felt was Wet Cooch
The act of hitting a baseball for a double or more
Wow wheels that’s a nice damp wet sausage
A sexual act in which the Giver holds down the Receiver and covers them in spoonful's of sour cream which is massaged into the body. The Receiver will then be instructed to make motorbike noises while the Giver mounts and rides the Receiver around the room until they achieve a gentle release.
It was crazy last night, she let me give her a Wet Dorken.
when your partner pisses on their hand and jerks you from behind
"dude my girlfriend is so freaky, last night she gave me a Reverse wet native grab, and i came so hard."
Shaking the piss drips off of your cock on to a sleeping friends face.
Shushh he's sleeping give him a wet darren.