Pineapple hair the meaning of somebody with hair that looks like a pineapple from a Anix video
I have pineapple hair!
The green "hairs" on the top of a pineapple
That man's pineapple has some nice pineapple hairs
Hey dude, did you see the pineapple hairs?
Yeah, they are so green!
Pineapple hairs, the somewhat stem of a pineapple is the green stuff on the top of a pineapple, as seen on Anix’s new video.
I don’t eat the pineapple hairs, what about you?
pineapple hairs is a word for when you dont know what the name of the hairs on top of the pineapple (anix)
anix:whats the name of the hairs on the pineapple?
anix:PiNeApPlE hAiR pineapple hairs l:)
(‘tît hār) Noun. English (American).
A universally accepted unit of measurement that is equal to 1/10,000th of the width of the mark on your ruler that denotes a millimeter.
The tit-hair is a “Special” unit of measurement (akin to the pinch, dash, or dab) that can be applied universally to both the Metric system and the “American” system with no conversion factor. It can also be used with ANY measurement: distance, weight, volume, mass, density, temperature, etc., without a conversion factor.
Origin: approx 1948-1950 - Returning GI’s from WWII had invented the term as they were fine tuning their weapons. From rifles to tanks to artillery - this is how it developed such universal adaptation.
“This ribbon is about a tit-hair wider than 10mm.
a buzz cut that's shorter than 1 inch
Ed: Why did you say that Andy has carpet hair?
Kelly: His hair looks like a piece of thread-bare wall to wall carpeting that was cut out and glued to his head.