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Hot Pocket

When you're sitting down and push out a fart but shit comes out instead and squeezes up the back of your pants.

Oh Shit! I just gave myself a hot pocket!

by Lothar January 14, 2018

Hot Pocket

When a girl farts and it goes forward, creeping into her Vagina.

I ate too many tacos last night and farted and made a hot pocket.

by Ibuild. May 2, 2018

Hot pocket

Farting just before you get a lap dance, so as the dancer bounces more gas is pushed out for her to smell

Gave that dancer a hot pocket

by Terms from GuyGetaHigh July 11, 2022

Hot pocket

A big fine bitch with a warm bootyhole

“Dammmmn shawty got a hot pocket

by theebawdy April 15, 2022

Hot pockets

when someone is pressed/mad about something

Guy: fuck sakes, you always do this

Girl: oh you hot pockets rn?

by - A ;) February 19, 2021

Hot pocket

When you refer to someone as a hot pocket, you are complimenting them. If someone looks hot but you don’t want to be as direct, this is a more subtle approach.

Friend #1: “woahhhhh, look at that guy over there!”
Friend #2: “wow! He’s a hot pocket!”

Ex. 2

*Friend 1 sends a cute picture*
Friend 1: “hey! I’m bored!”
Friend 2: “me too! Btw... you’re looking like a hot pocket😂”

by Swizzyswizzle July 3, 2018

Hot pocket

When you’re camping on a cold night with someone and the only way to stay warm is to zip up your sleeping bags together and make ravenous love to each other until the friction from the body heat inside the sleeping bags creates a warm center.

As temperatures dropped rapidly we realized the only way to survive the unexpected blizzard was to create a hot pocket.

by Slambamthankyoumam July 27, 2020