(slang) - something, particularly a fad, which becomes fire (very popular) for some time, then dies down again in popularity, and then comes back.
Fortune tellers are flickering fire, for they were popular in 2017-19 and now they are re-emerging in 2023 at our school.
A really epic server. I think yall should join the server
a way to say someone is doing great.
“Oh my gosh, name! You’re so gaslit fire!"
To be insanely amazing and awesome
“Yo bro have you seen that new movie” “ yeah bro that shits sick fire nasty “
It's the hillbilly way of saying lighter.
Hey man pass the fire maker.
Need a firemaker?
Fire Pants are people who lie profusely, their pants are always on fire, thus, fire pants.
That damn cheater is such a fire pants.
Having a “Dave’s hot chicken” Reaper chicken strip pushed onto your anus trying to get as much of hot seasoning to remain as possible. Your partner then uses the “Dave’s sauce” to lick off the seasoning, generally slowly, to cause it to burn both participants.
“Hey can we stop and get some chicken strips later? I want you to give me Dave’s fire finger.