Source Code

b my v

Shortened form of 'bang my vagina'. The female version of s my d, or suck my dick.

Guy: S MY D!
Girl: B MY V!

Guy #2: Well you can just go suck a dick.
Girl #2: Only if you'll b my v.

Megan: You know what I really want to do?
Stephanie: B my V?

by HardandReady November 6, 2010

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Heavy B

A young male who is in the process of figuring out his sexual identity. Usually contemplates this as he watches star wars and tries to figure out if he is suited to be Han Solo, Princess Leia, or a Wookie.That Heavy D asked out my brother. OR someone so huge and hideous they can not be out in public without being made fun of as in..
awwhh f*** here comes Heavy D

Heavy B is too hideous, probably because he is figuring out his sexual identity.

by El Chief August 23, 2006

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The white girl version of the C-Walk (The Crip Walk), and they think they are just copying popular dance and are completely oblivious that they are dancing like Crips.

Did you see that Becky do her B-Walk on Instagram. Yeah, she is doing the white girl C-Walk and she doesn't even know she is doing The Crip Walk.

by MindFlo September 12, 2018

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A douche. Someone to hate. Raw evil. Gay. The worst thing ever. Emotionless. Possibly sociopathic.

Jim is being a B-H, therefore, we are no longer friends.

Sally is being a B-H so she'll probably get fired soon.

by jesus jones III January 7, 2008

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b rit

a way to shorten britney spears.
very popular with teenagers.

girl 1: hey girl hey!
girl 2: what it do honeybaby?
girl 1: you know i got that new b rit cd baby
girl 2:awhhh yeah

by bonethugboss May 16, 2008

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1. B-durr is a contemporary slang term that is very similar to or is the same as durr. It is used either at the very end of a sentence or at the beginning of the sentence usually. But it can be used mid-sentence, but that's rare; unless the person talking is an air head. The longer you drag it out the last "r" (to a point, obviously) the more accentuation you are adding to your description.

2. B-durr is another slang word for "DUH"!

EX 1. B-durr! What a moron! Did you see that? He just walked into the flagpole! Hahahaha!

EX 1a. I didn't think that the test was that hard, but she didn't pass it, B-durr!

EX 1b. I don't know what she was thinking, B-durr! OMG! She just broke up with Tommy, and now they are back together?!?!? That's so typical for her to do, what an iggit!

by IrishDaddy2U April 19, 2010

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Cardi B's Dad

A poor soul

I sure dont want to be Cardi B's Dad

by A goddamn onion March 3, 2021