A game played by only the strongest men. Girls usually get really salty when the guy they like is busy playing it other than texting them back. But chances are they do not like her. And she knows that so she talks bad about it on her story to try and get him to realize something that is not true.
Girl: oh my god Tommy won’t message me back because he’s playing fortnitr
Guy: chill out he doesn’t like you he only likes fortnite
An actually good game that hiveminds, pewdiepie fans and redditards hate for no fucking reason
Joe: Hey dude do you play fortnite?
Yuri (pewdiepie fan) Ew youre so cringe, ceiling gang faggot
Joe: Oh my god youre so fucking retarded
Absoulte fucking cancer/bad
James - “what do you think of apple juice?”
Timmy - “it’s fortnite”
The most cancer game of the 21st century. Killing all the other great games and making people a shit ton of views and money. If you love fortnite ur Bisexual .
After loving Fortnite I was slowly turning gay and dickride Ninja,TSM Myth,etc.
A game created by satan himself when you play you can’t escape ,sort of like ’sao’(Search it up).
Suhaas:want to play fortnite
Me:in the name of god be banished to the deepest part of hell ,demon!!