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NC Gang

Non Consent Gang, the place to be !
Consent is for Gays

Boy1: Hey that is rape !
Boy2: No, its surprise sex

Fagg1: Join NC Gang, ask to Princess Mew a link !
Fagg2: Nah, i prefer see that with shaetaan or fabibi

by Mew Mew™ December 23, 2018

Musket Gang

you dont wanna mess with the musket gang. they are dangerus and should not be messed with. musket gang is the gangers of the gangsters.
They walk around with musket and Machine guns
Killing a Brit if in sight
Fear the musket gang

"oh no its the musket gang... HIDE!"
" he be a part of the musket Gang"

by Josva Gangster November 22, 2023

Musket gang

the musket gang is a group of guys that uses musket to kill brits or swedish people
they some times uses machine gun or rifels to kill brits or swedish people

they are men of culture and like thick women and men

British person "ow mate.. im going to shank this twat"
swedish person "dont do that he is a part of the musket gang, he will destroy you in a second with a musket
British person "sound quite scary... *sips tea* i think i will just play some football"
swedish person "okay see you around"

by Josva Gangster December 26, 2023

Spider gang

you know when you cut a hot dog into a spider and cook it? do that to your penis and twist it together like a twisler, then all the grandmas can have a piece. they peel it like a cheese string. #spider gang

bro 1: yo wanna learn how to join the spider gang?

bro 2: sure dawg what do i gotta do?
bro 1: just start cutting the skin flute like a hot dog spider!

by spider-man gang gang home boy December 13, 2022

Macro gang

Opposite of Micro gang.

Damn bro, you in macro gang or smth?

by On gang March 18, 2022

Swag gay gang

A discord server known for the swag people it has and for its weird rules

-Did you get banned from "Swag gay gang"?!
-yea i was mean to a member

by Swaggaygang May 8, 2021


Petty-gang is a group that GANG ON other people who allows anyone to talk about the other person. Supporting lies constantly backing each other up. Trolling you to believe otherwise and only focus on the “negative aspects” what you write.

People who starts petty-gang up, strongly has convinced themselves in their head to be amongst the “best bullies/highly deceptive ones”( 1#pranksters#main-character syndrome, hyped, judgmental, reckless people, who are willing to do anything for clout, and want’s entertainment, drama. Even getting attention or likely the attention that comes with the petty-gang. Why? Because they feel like it, can, say, do and will, or for no reason at all.

Look out for - ^gaslight, victim-mentality, dictating, guilt-tripping, deflecting with a joke, offer advice instead of answers, forced conversation etc.^ uses (?) On everything.^ and they misspell on purpose

Some speculate it’s an urban- newer slang for the term for (grapevine.) it is cyber bullying. (Trolls likes to petty-gang )

They rely on every people constantly to stroke their ego to make them feel good and others (continue to target their pray) in the environment of the situation ( they don’t stop unless they see them triggered or show some type of reaction/emotion so the pray can agree with the overall numbers of the group of the petty-gang. they disagrees with anything that the pray says. And wants the pray to feel less than they already are )

They appear in any social-media group-chats.

1)Bro, petty-gang up on me.

2) Drained? A bunch of people who rely too.
1)Ya, dealing wit da bad trolls who up on each oda Asš on discord.

2)Dey gng fo clout DFTT, bro. Think dey lit.

1) rambling stuff up, petty asf wanting attention TSTS all day. Ain’t shiii.
2) ain’t got no life. Be up in yo buisness.
1) DA DRAMA . runnin dem D-suckers.
2) GANGING up… rumors on ya head.
1) Grapevine all ova again.
2) separate dem… dey get petty-ganged by others
1) separate and constantly add ppl in da convo play victim.
2) yo petty-gang is toxic. Lol

by TrollDaNiqqa June 15, 2024