Absolute cunt hates NPCs
“Oh look it’s ellen the NPC Ben Hates her”
Ben is a brown haired fit sexy but sometimes an unwanted beast. Normally wears glasses and thinks he is funny. He steals jokes from his dad and has no sense of humour but deep down in everyone's mind they truly love a bit of ben
Ben your not funny but funny at the same time
Ben is the fancy, rich friend in your group where you lost the overview bout his dating life. He got a big as(s) booty and a lot of pride. If you don’t know him you might think he’s an arrogant bitch but if you get to know him he’s your friend to goofy around. His heart is pure and his mind is dirty but voll of intelligent, smart thoughts.
Did you saw that big fat ass? Yeah it’s a Ben
Ben is a really nice and smart and handsome guy who has a huge cock and will always be there if you need him
I want Ben to rail me all through out the night