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Biggest NPC in pierre elliot trudeau. The HS ryan has no brain, is smart but dumb as fuck, and likes any girl that he talks to.

Bruh ryan likes another girl
Fr? he's a NPC how do you even know?
Cuz he's an npc idiot, everyone knows

by peths kid May 15, 2024


A boy who’s quite arrogant when talked to but, kind and caring on the inside when you get to know them. They are often very secretive beacause they’ve had a bad past being a parent leaving or died before birth.The name Ryan means ‘Little King’ in Irish,

Ryan is a secretive person

by Fudjdhi January 8, 2018


He is a massive penis guy

i'm A Ryan

by ThatBoi536 March 10, 2022


A beautiful man, so kind and caring, he is the most amazing man anyone could ever have the privilege of meeting. So much love for him and Anyone who can call him theirs is the luckiest girl in the world

My boyfriend Ryan is the most amazing human being that has ever stepped foot into my life

by Notursugarbaby December 18, 2019


A beautiful man, so kind and caring, he is the most amazing man anyone could ever have the privilege of meeting. So much love for him and Anyone who can call him theirs is the luckiest girl in the world

My boyfriend Ryan is the most amazing human being that has ever stepped foot into my life

by Notursugarbaby December 18, 2019


A person who is an obnoxious alcoholic, who is problematic during group games like JackBox. He constantly instigates drinking, and will most likely propose to female's named, Kristi.

Ryan is going to be there, so we should Uber.

by yung del November 22, 2021


Massive cock

He’s a massive Ryan

by Gccyyeshi December 31, 2022