The thick metal poles traditionally placed before a cycling or pedestrian only pathway to stop large motor vehicles from entering and endangering the pathway users.
"Hey Wayne, watch out for the Parker poles on your bike, you don't want to go A over T."
One hell of a smart ass bitch that exposed me on Youtube
Hey imma be a parker hudson and roast him back for what I did by spending my whole weekend writing a disstrack
Parker is that kid that always asks if you are riding the bus. He has 2 brothers, one of them is *theoretically* bad at baseball.
Parker workman plays the ABC game
A contact parker is a person who parallel-parks by backing up until making contact with the car behind, and then pulling forward a bit.
"Wow, did you see Carrie's rear bumper? ... it's got a lot of dents and marks on it!"
"Yeah, what do you expect, she's a contact parker."
"My front bumper has a lot of marks on it because people in my neighborhood are contact parkers. Sheesh!"
A term commonly used by high school students on the North Side of Chicago, Illinois used to refer to a small and wealthy area surrounding Francis W. Parker School.
Person 1: Hey! Let's go to a White Sox game!
Person 2: I don't know, I try not to leave the Parker Bubble.
George is the georgiest George that ever Georged, he is the tallest George on the planet George where he is the leader of the race of George. If you get in George's way or are not as Georgie as a George should be, George will trample you like a Georgecake.
Roses are red, violets are blue, George Parker is tall unlike you, if your less Georgie he'll trample you too, get out the way or you'll be long over due.
Someone that has parked their vehicle in such a manner either consuming additional parking spaces or generally in a dickhead way.
i.e. You see that Shit Parker over there? He's using up 4 spaces! Let's take a picture and post it to the appropriate FaceBook page to shame him.