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Cristina Sanchez

Crsitina has no heart or feelings, she's socially awkward. Is the biggest nerd, loves to laugh and loves dogs, and loves to eat food... then complains on how much she ate. the bestest friend you could ever have... and the most awkward.

you: "Cristina, you're ugly!"
cristina sanchez: "Yeah?! well, your mom!"

by Melznasttttyyyyyyy March 15, 2017

Daniel Sanchez

Daniel Sanchez is the funniest and sweetest guy you’ll ever meet. He always lights up a room and cares for all his friends. He’s not afraid to stand up to anyone and fears nothing (except maybe spiders). He’s super good looking and all the ladies simp over him. You’re really lucky if you have a Daniel Sanchez, hold on to him and never let go

Daniel Sanchez is awesome

by Dave From Sales August 22, 2021

Cummy Sanchez

It's a sex act having a similar name to dirty Sanchez but for the weak hearted. It's when a man and a woman engage in oral sex, then the man takes his penis and rubs it above the girls upper lip leaving his cum like a moustache.

After having oral sex, the man gave the woman a cummy sanchez.

by antology June 1, 2017

Beef Sanchez

The Beef Sanchez is a sexual act where, immediately upon completion of anal sex, the pitcher places his face directly into the anus of the catcher. The catcher then expels the liquid combination of lube, ejaculate, and fecal-matter from his anus onto the face of the pitcher creating a goatee emulating that of a Mexican.

I went to the spa to get a facial and thy gave me a Beef Sanchez instead.

by Johnny_Blaze_1216 December 23, 2013

Dirty Sanchez

Former starting quarterback of the NFL team New York Jets

What is mark Sanchez' nickname- Dirty Sanchez

by Tj will December 20, 2017

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simon sanchez

A simon is the best person you could ever meet in your life. They will always be there when you need them and make you feel like you have a meaning. They tend to have a circular face shape, brown/black hair, and the most perfect smile. They are caring, sweet, kind, smart, and just amazing in every single aspect. A simon will always check up on you and make sure you're doing okay, if not then they will do anything in their power to make sure that you are. Even if you meet a simon at a young age, they will prove to you that they're going to be an amazing father and take special care of your guys kids. They always want to help people even if they dont know them and that's one of the best things about them. Meeting a simon is one of the best things that will ever happen to you, they will treat you like a queen and tell you how amazing you are every day. Simon is the bestest bestfriend you could ever ask for. They are also an amazing significant other and will show how much you mean to them 25/8. They tend to care about everything and everyone. If you ever meet a simon never let them go because even though things might not be the best as of right now, they will always be there and never leave your side.

Person 1: Did you hear that I got with simon sanchez?
Person 2: Who's that?
Person 1: The person who changed me for the best.

by Stinky chicken nugget April 19, 2021

Donkey Sanchez

When a male (ideally) is "rooting" his beloved in the anal cavity, strikes her on the back of the cranium, in order to induce clenching of the chocolate starfish... He then completes the manouvere by wiping the anal residue on her upper lip... He then tells his mates and earns brownie points....

Oh my god, Ive just had a Donkey Sanchez

by Wrong Midget August 29, 2008

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