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No Anime April

A month in which you cannot watch anime in any form no matter what. Increases the chances of losing your virginity by 1000%

He's on No Anime April and he sure gonna dick down every other woman in town.

by assrider6969 December 30, 2019

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

April 25

April 25 is when really cute people are born the have the biggest dicks and they are so hot and they will love you forever

Your cute and your born in April 25

by Champion262572 December 11, 2020

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

April 12

Bromance day

Guy: "Bro! It's April 12th!"
Guy1: "Bro!"

by Gay Kinnie October 30, 2019

32πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

april 27

The day that only awesome people are born on. The people born on this day are sexy and charming and are garunteed to live a long, successful, and adventurous life. guys born on this day seem to exude an aura strangely magnetic for women. Women born on this day will grow up to make Aphrodite look like a dog.

Interviewer: How have you managed to become so successful and rich in your life time?

Interviewee: Simple, i was born on april 27th.

by pj&ae4e August 18, 2009

541πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž

25 april

Your probably shy but want to socialize with only your close ones. But your pretty amazing

Your 25 april? Same!

by Levi Ackerman Junior High November 30, 2020

58πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

April 23

National kiss day. Kiss as many people as possible.

It’s April 23 guess i’m being a hoe

by idk_0816 April 22, 2019

162πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

April 23

It’s national (High Five Day) bro high five every one

April 23 Just high five every one

by QueenBitchbaby April 12, 2019

92πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž