Its kinda like a British accent if that British person was a Rapist.
Australian Guy: G'Day Sheila!
Girl 1: O no Don't rape me!!!!!
Girl 2: Relax its just an Australian Speaking in his Australian Accent.
Australian Guy: Reckon IL be of to the Never Never To Hunt Roo,s and Wrestle Crocks.
70๐ 180๐
Sounds slightly British with a fruity sound to it, like they all have something up their asses and in their noses. Sounds like some one getting triple penetration.
Don't that Australian accent sound rather fruity, it reminds me of that Fosters advert off the telly.
11๐ 18๐
A form of contraception supposedly used as the primary method of birth control in Australia. The Australian condom is not purchased, but rather made at home using simple materials. All one must do to use this method is simply insert a hot glue gun into the head of his penis and inject enough glue to form a proper seal. Though this is 99.9% effective in white males, it only maintains a 50% succsess rate in black males. This is due to the fact that members of the black population have very elongated and therefore powerful penises. The force of a black ejaculation can be accurately compared to the blast force of a cork being shot from a bottle of champagne. The force of a white ejaculation is only about 1/20th as powerful as a black one, thus the 99.9% sucsess rate.
Cranky mate! That aboriginal just blew out his australian condom like a blasted wombat out of a damn didgeridoo!
23๐ 56๐
An Ausralian Hermit is usually found on the beaches of the goldcoast as it is a prime spot , there is lots of crabs for snacks and plenty of friendly tourists with money. A hermit is just a formal name for a hobo. There are a few different types of hermits which are found in Australia. The first is the real hermit they live on the beach , eat sand and crabs , wear fur clothes and use special facial cream which we call doggy doo doo. These types of hermits are also rewarded with ghost drops and the odd coin from local children. The second type of hermit is the trendy hermit. The trendy hermit lives in Paddington and Surry Hills. They own sports cars and drink chai lattes. They are often seen around trendy streets , with their trendy clothes and their trendy uni-student friends. They also drink lattes except for one hermit called Chi Chi who drinks ice coffee. The last type of hermit which lives in Australia is the self denying hermit. Self denying hermits deny completely that they are hermits even though they have hermit beards and act like hermits. Self denying hermits also have lady friends. As you can see Australian hermits can differ.
Examples of different types of Australia hermits
*boy speaks to self denying Australian hermit
boy-do you like mcdonalds?
hermit- Me love mcdonalds , especially the dumpsters out back , they are very tasty
boy- what? that sounds like hermit talk
hermit- Actually me no eat out of dumpsters , too hermit for me , like me said me real man.
boy- thats more like it
*girl speaks to city Australian hermit
girl- What are you doing?
Hermit- Me standing infront of building and me dressed up as elvis so me can dance for coins
girl- Why would you need coins
Hermit- So me can buy food at best shop , corner store. Me buy gummy lollie because me have no teeth.
Girl- Whats in that bag
Hermit- Me stuff , me keep me stuff in this bag so me enemy hermit wont steal me stuff while me sleep.
Girl- I see
Hermit- You should see unless you blind. ( cracks up laughing)
Girl runs off scared for her safety.
*Boy talks to a bogan Australian hermit
Hemit- You race me in a shopping trolley race. me shopping trolley fastest trolley in area. me win everytime
Boy- ummm...
Hermit- Me get shopping trolley from me dad. Me drive shopping trolley to work
Boy- ok... where do you work?
hermit- Maccas with me boyzz.
Boy- Maccas? you mean mcdonalds
Hermit- That the one! me get good money at me job
5๐ 8๐
Ugly but Interesting (looking); a girl that is attractive but not considered pretty.
Every insecure hot chick surounds herself with broads that are only Australian cute.
12๐ 22๐
An Australian Tailgate is considered one of the most obscene and profane form of suicide. This act can also be used for murder, but due to its length and complexity, is more common as a suicidal act.
First, you must freeze enough bleach to make a 3 foot long rod capable of fitting in your asshole. Once this is complete, you begin to tie yourself, by your feet, to the ceiling while inserting the rod of bleach into your supple asshole, resembling a tail. Once this is complete, you proceed to allow an emu to tear off your clothes while turning up the heat to allow the bleach tail to melt into your system. As the rod/tail begins to melt, you begin to suck the tip of the emus beak as it regurgitates your clothes back into your own mouth. By the time all of the clothes have been thrown up into your digestive system, the rod of bleach should be fully melted, killing you from the inside out.
For those whose lives are upside down, an Australian Tailgate can erase that frown.
2๐ 2๐
The act of urinating on a girl's "down under" after engaging in sexual intercourse. Alternative to the American "golden shower".
Mate 1: Did you root that girl last night?
Mate 2: Yah mate, but she didn't enjoy the Australian Piss I took after we finished.
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