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garbanzo beaner

a person who is white or obviously not a beaner tries to act as such

that white person is posing as a gangster (meaning a "cool" mexican) he is a garbanzo beaner

by AntiConnor January 5, 2008

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Pro Beaner

A beaner that is able to steal anything without being caught. They also can do all of the jobs normal beaners do, however they are much better than average beaners. They are illegal immigrants from Mexico, but they are never caught.

My ipod, cellphone, car, house keys, computer, porn magazines, dildo, and vibrater were stolen by a pro beaner in one minute.

by ProBeaner March 14, 2007

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Super Beaner

1. A white person who has out drank a Mexican at their own party and is now excepted into that Mexicans family making them an official beaner who isn't deported and can freely cross over the boarder to visit there Mexican brothers and sisters.
2. A white person who is so loco they are accepted by Mexicans as one of there own.

Loco Beaner: "Hey essay what is that kracker doing here."

Beaner: "That's no kracker that's Dirt hes'a Super Beaner."

Loco Beaner: "Oh I need to hang with him then screw u essay."

Beaner: "Ya well screw u to ESSAY!!!!!!!"

by Dallas a.k.a. Dallas Dirt July 19, 2006

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Beaner bailing

Knocking on someone's door and running

Hey guys let's go Beaner bailing tonight in the homesteads

by Kymberlina February 18, 2018

Starbucks Beaner

A white person that owns a coffee beanery, where coffee is brewed. Americans or people who love drinking coffee, a person who drinks way too much coffee. Americans who love coffee or Starbucks.

I love coffee, I'm a starbucks beaner. I drink it every day.

Uncle Craig owns a coffee beanery, yup he's a starbucks beaner, just kidding.

Americans can't get enough coffee, I guess we're a starbucks beaner nation.

Stop drinking so much coffee you coffee beaner.

by Equal crack September 25, 2016

Starbucks Beaner

A white person that owns a coffee beanery, where coffee is brewed. Americans or people who love drinking coffee, a person who drinks way too much coffee. Americans who love coffee or Starbucks.

I love coffee, I'm a starbucks beaner. I drink it every day.

Uncle Craig owns a coffee beanery, yup he's a starbucks beaner, just kidding.

Americans can't get enough coffee, I guess we're a starbucks beaner nation.

Stop drinking so much coffee you coffee beaner.

by Equal crack September 25, 2016

Beaner Cave

A Beaner Cave is the home of any Mexican. Most of the time they are full of drug and slave white people.

I am going to report to the Beaner Cave after work.

by BeaneRBoi69 October 23, 2019