When you aren’t aware that you have typed a phrase out incorrectly because you assumed that you typed out the same phrase as the one in your head. So now you are blind blown because you are unable to recognize your spelling error
Carla: “This boy has my blind blown”
Lee: “blind blown” ??
Carla: “Omw, in my mind I was still reading it as ‘mind blown’ ”
Lee: “ Oooh it looks like we’ve just coined a new term”
The typical Zoomer excuse for badly handled time management.
Boss: Why were you an hour and a half late for work???
Anon: Sorry, my time blindness makes me forget I have things to do in an timely fashion. Sorry!
Boss: Sorry! You're fired. Do better in future jobs please.
The act of cheating on you significant other with a person who gives you anal sex and you become so blind that you quit your job, leave your wife, move in with your mom, and lose everything in a divorce.
Holy shit Mark is so anal blind, every tattoo he got looks like a retarded kid’s artwork.
Mark is so anal blind he thought his soon to be ex-wife was just going to take his offer for a divorce settlement.
When someone extremely quickly snapchats people while in a social setting, usually barely even looking at their phone to see if the other person says or sends anything of interest.
Ian, I don’t talk to you much anymore because you do nothing but blind snapping nowadays at college
Audibly blind, refers to the total inability to hear sounds. Symptoms may be severe and may experience real world packet loss. People who are profoundly audibly blind can hear nothing at all. Scientist are yet to discover how such individuals find themselves reliant to.
*playing Black Ops 3 search and destroy. When an unexpected 1v1 occurs*
Team Mate: use glitch
Audibly blind person: ...
Team mate: USE GLITCH
audibly blind person: ...
Team mate:✊👇👋👎🤏👈✋💨
Audibly blind person: ...
Inserting yourself into a situation despite your lack of knowledge
"I'm not sure if the girl at the bar is dating the guy with her so I'm going blind nil and asking her if it's her brother" also referred to as going nill
When someone can't tell the difference between a normal everyday car and a nicer, more expensive car just by looking
Friend: you like my car?
Me: ya it's cool
Friend: it's a GT-R...
Me: oh it's a nicer car!
Friend:you couldn't tell by looking
Me: sorry I'm car blind...