When you hit a blinker off you wax pen while you're dropping a deuce on the john
Shayan: What's taking Abdul soong in the bathroom
Mo: Oh he's just doing his morning blink and stink
Chloe tried to do a staring contest with Marissa, but her eyes were too blinkative
A flirtatious act used by the socially awkward
Girl: blink blonk
Guy: Shieeet wanna go out?
Girl: Mhm
A term used to describe moments when an AI, especially in conversation or image generation, produces results that are unexpectedly off-topic, nonsensical, or humorously incorrect. The term draws a parallel to public moments where Joe Biden may misspeak or lose his train of thought, highlighting the imperfection and unpredictability in both human and artificial intelligence.
"I asked my AI to generate a picture of a serene landscape, but it gave me a scene from a sci-fi movie with flying cars. Total Biden Blinks moment!"
toxic blinks are fans of blackpink but are extremely toxic and will hate on you if you say any bad opinion about blackpink. if a kpop idol that isn’t apart of blackpink stares at a member of blackpink for too long they will be hated on and sent death threats by toxic blinks. If there’s a video about any group other than blackpink, toxic blinks will comment things like “blackpink better” even if the video has nothing to do with blackpink
Sam: all groups other than blackpink suck
Emma: your such a toxic blink!!!
When 4 people of any gender are arrange in a square and preform oral sex on each other simultaneously while blindfolded, unaware of who else is in the group, as they are alwatched by a crowd of masked figures
"I was at a Blink-138 concert last night, it was epic" said Jordon.
"I've never heard of them, how was it?" Asked Sam
"It was epic! The four on the stage were giving the performance of a lifetime! They were definitely enjoying the oral!"
another intensifier like bloody, stupid, ruddy, really, very, fricking
person 1: omg look at that girl blocking the door
person 2: blinking idiot! let me through
person a: i hate all these blinking traffic lights
person b: agreed! they are so blinking annoying