Source Code

What's wrong with you

Do you say the right things at the perfect time
Do you wear the right clothes and wait patiently in line
Is that what makes you think I think you'll be alright
If I ask one more question

will you pretend not to mind

What's wrong with you
What's wrong
Tell me
What's wrong with you

You wear an until your all alone
Even in your own house you don't really feel at home
Your relatives say they like you
And tell you how much you've grown
But if you hang around too long they start to bitch and moan
Like this

All your friends seem to take everything
They never come over when they know
When they know you've got nothing
When you look in the mirror hanging there on your wall
Do you ever wonder why you have friends at all?

What's wrong with you
What's wrong
That'll be eighty-five dollars, please
What's wrong?

by WorseThanHitler December 12, 2020

12👍 4👎

Wrong end of the stick

An English idiom meaning to get something wrong by one's approach by making stupid assumptions. To think that something you've been offered is the opposite of what it is. To confuse left and right. To turn an ability into a disability, a solution into a problem.

The wrong end, as opposed to the right end of the stick.

It goes back to the medieval, when people use staffs, or a general purpose stick. One end would be held by its owner.

The right end of the stick is the driving seat, the nice, clean, comfy end.

The wrong end is the dirty, ugly pig-swill stirring, beating-dealing, non-walking-enhancing end.

Picking up another's stick by the wrong end is the sign of an idiot, it often signifies a favour turned into a curse by the recipient by of their foolish eagerness to play the game.

"Nice Rottweiler" said Rufus. I told Rufus the guard dog was having a bad day today, had been growling a lot. What did he do? He went skipping right up to it, tried to cheer it up "oooh poor doggie" and it bit him in the face. Totally got the wrong end of the stick.

by Horton Cum-Studley January 20, 2012

25👍 15👎

You This Read Wrong

The name says it all.

A copy-and-pasted term always found in the comments section of popular YouTube videos intended to get likes so the comment gets to the top. Usually written by ten year olds to help their self esteem. Also almost always comes after the mind trick or phrase "I have a dig bick."

Person 1: (Passes note to person 2)
*I have a dig bick
You this read wrong*

Person 2: OK you got me bro.

by I u53 h@x October 16, 2017

7👍 3👎

wrong sized shoe

Referring to messing something up with a funny outcome. Originating form Harry styles singing "it's gotta be you" live on stage and saying "wrong sized shoe" instead of the correct lyrics.

I tried doing a backflip into the pool but ended up doing a wrong sized shoe.

by Larry_stylinson_forever January 18, 2016

Wrong Way Roll

When the toliet paper is on facing the wrong way, due to the simple oversight of some retard who put it on backwards.

I was all ready to take a nice dump, but then i found myself staring at a Wrong Way Roll.
Dang Custodians...

by Dead Last October 12, 2009

Going the wrong way

When you realize that your going the wrong way and you don't want to be embarrassed so you look at your watch or you pull out your phone and guess what... Nobody's watching you unless your in the mafia.

"I just realized that I'm Going the wrong way,"

by Kaddison May 25, 2016

You ain’t wrong there

When someone ain’t wrong. Or knows it


Girl : wow your dick is big!

Man: you ain’t wrong there

Can add bud if needed for extra effect or fucking

‘you ain’t fucking wrong there bud’

Person 1.
Bleddy hell that must of hurt

Person 2.

You ain’t wrong there

by rupert o'johnson February 13, 2020