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A dumbass who broke his arm

He can’t land a flip, dumbass cj

by Maison Johnson October 16, 2019


CJ is the most amazing person you could ever meet, he is so sweet loving and caring, is a very loyal person. all around is a super cutie and a hottie. When he says he loves you he means it. CJ is Boyfriend material. Future husband.

That CJ sure is breath taking.

by Hehe~ February 21, 2024


CJ is an adorable cat who sadly ran away from home. His owner thought she had found him in a graveyard but it was not him... instead it was the BTEC CJ and not the Master's Degree CJ!

Where is the Master's Degree CJ!?

by evieiscute July 7, 2020


That annoying kid

He’s a cj

by OhDarkness March 14, 2022


The essence of a fart. Also known as sherbert.

A person farts and whisper "CJJJJJJJJ"

by Swaglicker April 12, 2022


a dude who looks like he has a perm

cj....nice permmm

by Belba boom January 15, 2019


Cj is a boy in my class who I crush on but I cant tell him bc I think hes gay or bi but he is a really funny person and its obviously the not the same for every person called cj .I think hes really funny . Try and get to know the people that u sit next to u might find out they like u (that's if they do)

Randomer:Oh my god do you smell that

Cj:haha that was me I just farted

by Theresnopointreadingmyname January 14, 2021