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Captain Shirk

A sarcastic name for someone who tends to avoid his/her duty or responsibilities a lot.

John: "I think I am gonna skip my studying for tomorrow's exam and spend the night in front of the TV"

Brian: "Way to go, Captain Shirk"

by disco banana December 3, 2009

Captain Sully

Based off of the man who landed the plane in the Hudson river.
Used to say "Your a life saver,"

Man one: "Crap i dropped my phone in water and now it won't turn on!"
Man two: "Drop it in some rice for a few hours. It'll make it work."
Man one after the phone works:"Thanks man your such a Captain Sully!"

by Whiteboy9576 April 8, 2010

Captain charming

The romantic paring of Killian Jones/Captain Hook, and David Nolan/ Prince Charming in the tv show once upon a time.

Yeah I love captain charming, screw Emma! Davidโ€™s a much better match for hook!

by Lol I exist September 5, 2021

Urinal Captain

1: A plumber that specializes in urinal installation

2: Someone who let's people pee on them for money

3: What Captain America calls himself at the janitorial gig he gets after leaving the army

I ran into John the other day, says he just got a job as a Urinal Captain . I guess he got tired of tapping the sewage line

by TheSewageAuthority March 14, 2015

Captain Obvious

"Captain Obvious Strikes Again"

A phrase or name given to the one who points out the obvious.

Captain Obvious: Homosexuals are gay!

Guy 1: Captain Obvious strikes again.

by J-Winner March 25, 2010

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captain asshole

the asshole of a group of people that you can't really hate because the things he does are funny. Even if he is a dick.

look at captain assholeover there chugging in that freshmens face.

come outside and look at captain asshole passed out in the bushes.

by cheif asshole October 9, 2010

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Captain Gayhab

An insult referring to the almost piratical amounts of gayness being exhibited by a person. Also a nod to "Captain Ahab" from Herman Melville's Moby Dick, so one can appear homophobic and well read at the same time. Fantastic.

"Hey Captain Gayhab, haven't you a brown whale to harpoon?"

by SamuelL.Jack July 2, 2009

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