Source Code

general ragdoll chaos

pretty fun roblox game made by 1Noxy

guy1: have you play general ragdoll chaos?
guy2: yeah its pretty fun

by User187474 / just a pickaxe June 20, 2021

14👍 2👎

The Runescape Chaos Theory

The game by the name of Runescape is becoming ever so popular these days, but there are lots of people who chose to hate it aswell. While the controversy is heating up more and more, there might be a solution that could turn the tides. With the third generation of game consoles on the market, there are new possibilities.
Since Runescape is an MMORPG, anybody can play and everyone can play at the same time. With online play becoming the biggest thing since iPods, Runescape might just have a shot at targeting the whole community.
There are three new systems on the market, listed in order of capability and power: the sony playstation 3, the xbox 360, and the nintendo Wii. If Jagex could create a universal program that would allow a person with any of these new systems to play runescape on their system together, regardless of power(eg, xbox players can play agains/with Wii players), some interesting things might happen.
The basic idea of the theory is that the mmorpg is ported up to the more powerful consoles. This allows for a much more complex battle system, aswell as much more in depth gameplay. All complaints about the game could easily be solved with the port up.
The major complaints about the game are of the combat system or of the graphics. While grahpics could easily be achieved, a combat system would be the major part of the ugprade. Players could fight on equal grounds and not have to rely on luck or one level differences, which would bring back a lot of the quitters.
By default, rpgs are all about stat building and unlocking secrets and stories, etc. But in runescape, stat building is often halted by overcrowding, usually with one person hogging all the resources in one area. This makes leveling up almost impossible. This could easily be solved via a single player mode that is played on the console rather than a server, like any other rpg.
And the one thing that 99% of people will agree on is that once you get to higher levels, it takes impractical amounts of time to get so little experience. The best example is the mining skill. In alomst any rpg, the higher a skill is, the faster and easier you can do things, while unlocking more capabilities. In runescape, the player can be forty levels higher than the requesite level, which should normally make that skill happen very fast, but in this case, the player can wait for long periods of time for a single ore. This could also be easily solved by using personal skills involving minigames or actually using combos to gather ores faster and more practically.
Players will be able to port their original characters onto their console and manage their accounts.
Another thing that might seem totally wild, but very practical would be for runescape players to create their own runescape world by buying different pieces of environment for different amounts of money.
All of this is hypothetical and theorized, but could be put into effect with some persuasion of jagex hasn't already thought of it already.

The Runescape Chaos Theory could be the next biggest thing since the wheel.

by Slatte October 2, 2006

64👍 17👎

chaos engine

Science of stringing together random data and facts that give an equation order.

The million man March speech was solidified by a chaos engine.

by thanos is power July 13, 2014

1👍 3👎

pansexual chaos

We are all crackheads. You declare yourself pan, you start doing the dumbest shit ever. We are insane

Person A: what are they doing over there?
Person B: oh, just pansexual chaos
As the 2 look over at a group of pans with buckets on their head, while waving a flag by a large tree screaming, “MY L’MANBERG, MY L’MANBERG, MY L’MAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNBERRRRGGGG.”

by NotTedNivison May 25, 2021

4👍 3👎

Dr. Chaos

Dr. Chaos is a male supervillain who is basically mentally insane, but still perfectly sane. His arch nemesis (and secret lover), Magnito has the house from Iron Man perched on top of a hill overlooking DC. Dr. Chaos has a love for military style installations and his base is a gigantic underground bunker/house/armory/lab underneath the entire city of Washington DC. He is also super duper handsome.

Magnito loves Dr. chaos

by That man who does that stuff March 10, 2009

1👍 3👎

Calm of Chaos Band

Calm of Chaos is a band from Kent, Ohio. Formally known as A Dying Light, the band was founded by lead vocalist/lyricist, James Christian. The band is completed with Kayla Turk on lead guitar and backup vocals, Doug Callahan on Bass, and Devin Mays on Rhythm Guitar. COC is still searching for a drummer. For their early demos, Kayla Turk recorded drum tracks.

The style of the band is debatable, but most people agree that it sucks. Christian's vocals are a cheap imitation of Avenged Sevenfold's lead singer M. Shadow's style. Mixing screamed vocals and cleaned vocals is an old, worn out vocal style, that has been used over and over again. It's called Metalcore. But to perform Metalcore correctly, or fluently, you must have a vocalist who can actually sing. Christian's screams are weak and repetitive, and his clean vocals are wretched. They are whiny, and couldn't hold a note to save his life. Turk's lead guitar work is impressive, along with her fill-in drums on the early demos. Mays' guitar work is average at best. Callahan has yet to be heard as the newly joined bass player. He joined in April of 2009, replacing the former bass player who was expelled from COC in April of 2009. Callahan comes from the death metal band Torment of Sin. TOS is nothing but a bunch of potheads who are baked all the time and aren't good enough to meet Callahan's bass standards.

Calm of Chaos is a joke of a band and should not be taken seriously or respected. This band will never go anywhere with James Christian as their vocalist. COC is not metal whatsoever. They are what is wrong with metal. Bands trying to be carbon copies of other bands. Hint, hint: A7X.

Long live true metal

The United States Military chose to use this Calm of Chaos band as a torture/interrogation tool. They play the band's demo over and over again. Most of the test subjects either attempted suicide after hearing James Christian's vocals, but some began sucking the nearest cock around them. This was explained by Dr. Christopher Michaels as a reaction to the homosexual qualities presented in this form of music. The note placement and sequence of notes triggers a rare nervous impulse in the victims brain, causing them to crave male genitalia.

by COCsucker2012 May 25, 2009

178👍 66👎

Chaos dwarf sandwich

This occurrence happens when a player or players in the game called "Runescape" are killing the wilderness boss Vet'ion. The chaos dwarfs that are near by Vet'ion start to attack you from both sides, creating a dwarf sandwich. The reason this is a bad thing is because Pkers (Player Killers) can attack you and kill you during this occurrence because you are unable to log out while being attacked, and you will lose your item when you die.

Person 1"Man we were killing Vet'ion last night and we got stuck in a Chaos dwarf sandwich."
Person 2 "Dude that sucks."
Person 1 "Ya, Pkers showed up and fucked us."
Person 2 "Get wrecked scrub lord."
Person 1 "Dude shut up, I lost my fury."

by Zona731 March 3, 2016