An atractive girl with rosery red cheeks
Thats right hot cheeks! whats up hot cheeks! you know it hot cheeks! How are you ding hot cheeks! thats a negative hot cheeks!
Blush, red or pink make up on the cheeks, facial expressive shyness, nervousness or anger making an atractive young woman blush.
when a male or female rest one side of his/her arse on ones cheek.
get your god dam cheek of my face
When your butt cheeks sneak out from under your shorty shorts, booty shorts or daisy dukes. Also reffering to cheekies snraking from swim wear or work out shorts.
Look at those sneaky cheeks.
to fuck someone. specifically to fuck, not to be fucked.
Derek: Last night my mom walked in on me snatchin' cheek
Justin: Oh shit, with who?
A slang term for women with very distracting red cheeks.
This term is used because red is a color often used with christmas decorations.
"I'd totally ask that girl out if she didn't have those christmas cheeks."
When your penis is able to pass the females butt cheeks
Why ya want thick woman if you cant pass the cheeks?
The term “Clapping Cheeks” is a term that should not be taken lightly or as a joke. It is a glorious thing that could also end in chaos. When two thiccies go at it hard, the force between thrusts is so astronomical that it can cause dimentia, herpagonasyphalis, and can result in a torn rectum. Clapping Cheeks should only be done by sexual animals.
Damn Jerry, what’d you two do last night? I heard those you Clapping Cheeks from down the street!
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