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Chef Patrick

noun; Moniker given to culinary geniuses who are good with their hands. Usually reserved for handsome men with a sparkling smile, who can turn on the heat in the kitchen and pretty much anywhere else.

Girl 1: OMG this food is soooo good! Check it out - that's the guy who made it.
Girl 2: Oh yeah, he's definitely a Chef Patrick.
Girl 1: How can you tell?
Girl 2: Honey, the steam that is rising is not coming from your dish it's coming from you looking at him!

by HulaGurl June 21, 2011

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ripped chef

An OSU that cooks at the Kee Loon.

The ripped chef came storming out of the kitchen after Master tried to pull Little Darrell's hand away from his nose after Master swallowed a whole dish of hot mustard.

by Mario March 14, 2003

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Swedish Chef

A racial slur to define "Shark" from Discord. Who is a little wee wee pantsed idiot dummy head.

Wow shark is such a swedish chef smh

by owoDEFINITIONS February 2, 2020

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chef nikandros

Any masterful chef of the world, its used to describe someone who a wicked good chef. The name comes from the greatest chef in the world, Chef Nikandros.

"Awww man. This food is great."

"Nah, this is Chef Nikandros good!"

by RaytheCool September 2, 2006

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Pastry Chef

Pastry Chef is a nickname for a piss head who likes to fight and expose himself in public. A Pastry Chef is incapable of having a social drink; after one he must continue to consume copious amounts of alcohol until he passes out. Before the short time between commencing the drinking session and passing out, a Pastry Chef will attempt to impress young girls with his drinking abilities, then when that fails he will try to fight all his friends.

Tyrone: "Damn its only 1pm and hes passed out already!" Kiren: "Yeah he's such such a Pastry Chef".

by TyroneTT May 19, 2008

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armchair executive chef

A person that, through watching Food Network, believes they are now qualified to edit menus, adjust restaurant recipes and provide advice to people that actually work in the Food and Beverage industry.
AEC for short.

Chef, I've got an AEC (Armchair Executive Chef) in the dining room that suggests we use Extra Virgin Olive Oil in the fryer.
Great, tell him his fried will be $48 dollars.

by vegasrew April 9, 2007

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top chef

The act of cumming in a skillit and frying it until it looks like eggs. Then covering the creation in tabasco sauace and serving.

My girlfriend asked for breakfast so served her a top chef

by tuggernut333 January 6, 2011

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