The sexiest man in the multiverse.
Oh did hear about Clark Conner Hanks. Dude is a stud.
Jimmy conners , what women see when they have their first orgasm. Origin - family guy , s18 e9
" I remember when my mum was telling me about her first Jimmy conners, can't wait to have mine "
Chase Conners is a slang term for a gay prostitute. With Chase being an underground term for gay men looking for sex.
Hey wanna go get some chase conners back shots?
Two siblings that get up to some real tomfoolery. The perfect chaotic sibling duo
"Oh my fuckin god Sid and Conner glued my asshole to the toilet seat again"
Fat beer bellied hag. Usually confused about gender and sexuality. Also crushing on Adrian. Worse than guakes B.O.
Reilly Conner makes me class smelly.
Jordan has a really small dick and he loves to smoke weed but he stinks and he has a gross and small dick
Jordan conners has a small duck
stupid, ugly, and you can usually find something under his third chin.
"who his the ugly over there?"
"oh that's Conner Lux"