Has got to be the most Toxic type of internet culture on reddit. Worse than Twitter Cancel Culture and Donald Trump! People in hate culture tend to leave hateful comments on a particular game, movie, tv show, book .etc, and will send death threats or dox the person who likes it.
They think they're "trendy" because they hate on popular stuff
Let's say you like Fortnite and reddit dosen't. You express your positive opinion on Fortnite, It all goes wrong as a bunch of incel neckbeards start leaking your address and IP. You're Doomed.
I'd say, stay away from hate culture. Don't listen to the internet telling you what you can and cannot like.
I wish Reddit wasn't full of hate culture
This is what people who are part of hate culture look like
When your online avatar (av) contains elements from a culture other than your own
It has been alleged that your av is eating a taco but you're Cuban, not Mexican. The only things your online persona is allowed to do are smoke a cigar, drink a mojito, eat a ham sandwich with pickles, or listen to the "Havana ooh-na-na" song. I hereby find you guilty of the heinous crime of cultural avpropriation and sentence you to 50 years in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.
Social network movement created after the recommendation algorithm of social networks like Youtube make coincide the same profile of users at the same videos. This videos may contain beauties doing whatever: swimming, dancing, triple jumping, cooking or teaching maths. It doesn't matter the contents, what makes the video interesting is the beauty's nice cleavage, attractive dressing, beautiful booty, etc.
Man of culture, see the minute 2:33. Cameraman did a good job.
Man of culture, at this video we meet again.
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"Man of Culture" is Reddit slang used to describe someone with an unhealthy pornography addiction.
"Oh, I'm not addicted to hentai, I'm just a true 'man of culture' who appreciates the fine art of adult cinema."
"dude, what the fuck are you talking about"
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Derived from “Coon”
Adapted for every different culture which have them
Someone who is ignorant to white discrimination, perpetuates ignorance, betrayer of minority human rights and issues and unknowingly suffers with self hatred
Those cultural coons (indians, africans, latino etc) marching with those neo nazis
Those cultural coons at that Maga rally really are a hoot
Copying and then misusing practices from another culture for one’s own hilarious purposes.
“Bob wearing that assless Indian Chief costume from the Village People was the most blatant case of cultural inappropriation I’ve ever witnessed!
Scottish phenomenon: Fear of being judged for doing anything outlandish, expressive, unorthodox or outwith social norms. Also refers to said judgement. Can be applied to very innocuous scenarios.
I was going to start a Megan Thee Stallion stan account on Twitter, alas riddy culture made me too embarrassed
I was walking out of B&Q carrying a bright yellow toolbox and in act of pure riddy culture someone shouted at me "that you Bob the Builder now aye?"`