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Diesel Douche

A person who has no intention of using the "technical" use for a diesel truck. Instead of being simple, practical and functional, they heavily modify diesel their pick-ups with high performance modifications, loud exhausts, flashy wheels and street tires. Often used just for hot rodding.

He bought a low mileage one owner Cummins and lowered it on street tires, with compounds and a FMBV trans. He can't even tow with it anymore! He's such a Diesel Douche!

by August 5, 2023

Diesel doods

Men who seek other men with "large pipes"

Ryan was looking for his one and only diesel dood.

A couple of diesel doods met at the car park to hook up

by bigenff March 6, 2020

The Vin-Diesel

To firmly, and without prior notice or preparation, insert a finger(s) into the butthole of the person(s) with whom one is engaged in oral sex, resulting in low to moderate pain that kills the romantic mood.

A poopy finger(s) may result. See “dirty-diesel”

Me: She was giving me this amazing blow job and then, out of nowhere, she shoves a finger in my ass and starts to go at it. No lube. Long finger nails. And just raw dogs it, fast and furious.

Friend: bros. you got the vin-diesel. that shit hurts.

Me: right?! Just use lube next time. But at least it wasn’t a dirty-diesel.

by MassIndulgence November 2, 2022

Diesel Varner

Diesel Varner is a sexy white nigga with a midget head and his toes are all big toes

You know Diesel Varner? Yeah my girlfriend does

by Presrox103 June 5, 2023

Diesel Nob

Involuntary semi, caused by an unknown mix of vehicle vibration, women and the inevitable smell of diesel fumes leaking in through the back seats on a crappy public transport. Usually happens in a morning on the way to work.

8:30 AM - the bus is packed. It smells of diesel fumes as you sit on the back seat. The bus is old and vibrates like mental. A hot woman gets on the bus and you're suddenly aware of a semi, but you don't know what's caused it. 'Diesel Nob'

by roocifer July 15, 2010

Diesel Cruze

A Cruze that 1% of the population knows about, and only .069% understand anything about it. Apparently gets better mileage than a hybrid and isn’t gay.

“Why is your Cruze knocking?”
“Idk, I think it’s a diesel Cruze or something”

by DieselBoi69 May 2, 2018

cock diesel

A man of extreme muscular strength and sexiness.

Andy Vahamaa is a cock diesel.

by shane January 2, 2005

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