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splatter factor

A measurement used to determine how much something, usually low quality food or alcoholic beverages, will make you shit your brains out. Could be referenced in regards to poop travel time, odor of shit, as well as explosiveness of diarrhea. It is widely accepted by many that "Colt 45 Blast" was aptly named in reference to having an astronomically high splatter factor.

"Damn homie, I just polished off a few Four Lokos and some bad indian food. I've had to hit the shitter 5 times in the last 3 hours. That's some major splatter factor.

by BigLerk206 December 17, 2013

mud factor

Its is a scale - generally used for the measurement of the wetness and/or lumpiness farts - It is based on a simple 1 to 10 Scale
There is a direct correlation between mud factor and skid marks.

Jimmy was horrified when the small silent fart he tried to squeeze out while on the train hit mud factor 10.

by taranto September 27, 2013

Lollage factor

This is a scale used to analyze the precise lol (laugh out loud) factor of a joke or amusing moment. There are three levels of lollage, they are in their respective order from lowest to highest: major lollage, ultimate lollage and maximum lollage. The level of lollage is determined either through a group consensus or individual taste.

Dude, that was totally ultimate lollage.

Major lollage moment, when Jon Goslin was in Las Vegas.

The thing on Donald Trumps head has the maximum lollage factor.

by therealfarq November 15, 2009

Tractor factor

An amount of time added to any journey in a rural area to allow for getting stuck behind slow moving agricultural vehicles or coming across farm animals in the road.

I know it's only half an hour away but I'm setting off now to allow for tractor factor.

by heppers July 17, 2017

Glaze Factor

The amount of times a person is thought of as a fantasy subject by men masterbating per week.
GLAZE FACTOR = the number of men getting off X the amount of times they masterbate to the subject per day X 7 days

That is a very pretty pollce officer, with the amount men she works with and the amount of men she sees in public weekly I bet that her glaze factor is well over 100

by Captaincool149 December 4, 2021

pissification factor

The act of being very angry to the point of doing bodily harm to someone.

My pissification factor is high today!

by mangokoolaid August 17, 2011

Chunk Factor

A girl with just the right amount of 'chunk', specifically, with the correct chunk factor ratio.

Early Christina Ricci from Casper is a total chunk factor.

by The Chunk Factory April 29, 2011