Source Code

in the family way

pregnant, (a subtle term)

Sounds like she's in the family way.

by The Return of Light Joker December 30, 2010

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honey family

One of the greatest hip hop groups of all time. A defunct rap group of 7 members in Korea who splice one of a kind ghostly sounds and old school beats. Most unique rap sound in the world. The members are: Digiry, Park Myung Hou, Garie, Kill, Jura, Young Poon, and Su-Jung.

Two members, Garie and Kill, branched off and formed Leessang.

by nikkan_hanil July 3, 2004

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Family Reunion

Where your parents/grandparents make you go to be around people you have never seen in your life.

At home... || You: No mom, no! I'm not going somewhere that has old women who I've never met before pinching my cheek!
Mom: *trying to pull you of the staircase banister* You're...going...and...that's...FINAL!!
You: *being dragged to the car* NO!!!
At the Family Reunion...
Some old lady that's related to you: *grabs your cheek with finger nails that feel like electricity* So cute! She looks exactly like her aunt Myrtle!
You: *to yourself* Who the hell is Myrtle?! *then out loud* Help I need an adult who isn't covered in wrinkles!

by ThatA7xFanPerson June 25, 2011

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family tree

a chart or diagram depicting who had sex with who, and/or who is the result of such

Oedipus, the original redneck, had an unusual family tree

by jerry tieger February 10, 2006

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ace family

a popular victim of the deadly vlogitis syndrome with severe acquired doucheomia

hey man did you hear about the ace family?
yeah bro, god rest their soul.

by boobtullah November 6, 2020

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family switch

When the classic switch is performed by two members of the same family.

When Adam and his father Harry were double teaming Debbie and they performed the family switch, Adam noted that she did not have to travel to Paris to visit the Eiffel Tower.

by Mike Payne March 6, 2008

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holy family

a school where everyone is gay asf except for a couple of girls and they all are extremely fake and will drop anyone for no reason and the teachers don’t do shit for bullying bc they don’t care and there’s cryin going on everyday

do you go to holy family?

me: yeah why?

them: ur prob gay asf

by Happydays14 February 29, 2020

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