Fast cash is a money that you can earn in short time period without investment, special knowledge or education for it. Maybe the best known fast cash source is there is free e-book for 100 ways to make fast cash online
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Very Very Very Fast. Like take what you think is fast, and times it by like 200!!
Jeez, that was speedy fast!
Much like intermittent fasting except the decision to fast is brought on by seeing the food prepared for you by your significant other.
After seeing the fish tacos made with salmon, that my wife made me, I decided it would be a good night to do some spontaneous fasting.
just like your local druggie hooker.
Guy1: Man, that product was so fast and cheap to use!
Guy2: Damn, it was that fast and cheap? That sounds like my hooker!
Often begun early in the new year, involves abstaining from all alcoholic products for a set period of time. Can be prompted by health, spiritual or financial reasons.
Can be a method of acquiring more party karma.
Paul: There featuring a winter ale at the micro-brewery tonight, what time should I pick you up?
Sam: Next-month-o-clock, I'm on a booze fast.