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Final Fantasy

Overrated RPG series. Which of these "final" fantasies are actually going to be the last god damn Final Fantasy?

Final Fantasy fanboys get a major chubby any time you talk about the series.

by Lon August 14, 2005

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final joke

A final joke is when a joke is no longer funny so you yell out final joke. If someone continues the joke after...they must be severly punished and taken extreme pity on, also see third joke.

Why do you need a "final joke" example? Its pretty self-explanitory.

by Michelle Coburn October 21, 2006

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Finally Friday

To email the entire office soft core porn on a Friday to boost morale

"Hey, it's Friday where is our email?"

"I think it is coming through now. Thank god for Finally Friday!"

by Mr Frank Marshall November 27, 2009

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Finally free

When you are were addicted and detached from your work, and you are now 'no more than me' and you no longer have to conform the the discord rules and regulations.

I have to thank you for banning me from the discord server. I have been addicted and detached from my work. And because of you, I have given up on the server. I'm finally free! I don't have to conform with the discord rules and norms. I am of no more than me, thanks again. Cya.

(Technoblade potato war outro music)

by NotFakeNewser April 15, 2021

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Final Deliverable

To suck one's own dick because one cannot find another person to do it for them.

Kimball, go administer a Final Deliverable to yourself.

by Dankowski161 September 18, 2006

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Final Draft

Final Draft is one of the well-known softwares that can be used to write screenplays.

The official site of Final Draft can be found here: http://www.finaldraft.com/

Person 1: Writing a screenplay takes so long! The whole formatting thing drives me crazy!

Person 2: Use Final Draft! It contains easy and professional formatting!

by Girly801 March 29, 2009

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final fantasy

Once a simple video game released for the Sony Playstation, it is now a serious condition that prevents teenagers from being social and getting girlfriends/boyfriends (unless, of course, they meet up, in which case, they get married and live in a little bubble of anime, video games, Japanese culture and fetishes). Often considered very unattractive to a lot of non-geeks and is often the cause of unemployment, porn addiction and often obesity.

If you are worried about someone who you think might be playing Final Fantasy, look out for these tell-tale signs:

1) Boys in their teenage years are most at risk, it is uncommon for the addiction to develop in girls. Some may even continue playing into their twenties.

2) They will have a small, untidy room with access to a personal computer and the internet, in order to download cheats, FAQ's and porn.

3) They may suffer from sleep withdrawal due to excessive playing, leading to disturbed sleeping patterns and unhealthy complexions, making them look all the more geeky. The subject will not think of themselves as a geek, and may not look like a typical geek. They may also pretend to be normal, and laugh at other people they think are geeks, who are suffering from the same disease.

4) Final Fantasy players may still have close friend groups, who will also be into the game to an unhealthy extent. They will talk about things such as the release of the next game, level difficulty, merchandise, the fittest character, and the film. They will go out on rare occasions, so as to create the illusion that they are highly social people.

5) They will become overly excited at the release of any 'RPG', especially that of Japanese origin. If caught in the early stages, this can be treated and can prevent the subject from buying the degenerative Final Fantasy.

6) The lack of social activity and/or girl/boyfriends may lead to depression and lack of self esteem. This can be treated with a good wash, new clothes and a night out with some good friends.

7) In extreme cases, the subject may attend conventions and join forums, even dressing up as characters and pretending to be part of the video game. This must be treated at once with either an extremely social activity, such as a party with lots of attractive people (these should distract the teenager from the game). If this doesn't work, this untreatable strain of Final Fantasy must be cured with a shotgun to the Playstation.

Final Fantasy can affect anyone. Although they may not look like a nerd, they are, and if untreated, may lead to the more serious condition of becoming 'Wapanese'.

"Hey Jack, you coming out tonight?"

"Erm, no, I have to complete Final Fantasy, sorry."

"I'm so excited about FF MXXIII!"

"Yeah! Its just the best game ever! Much better than having a life!"

by Lucy1234 January 14, 2008

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