One who is a way cool older lady . They usually hang in a pack . They wear torn jeans and tramp stamps . They are pro drug and anti abortion , and pro trump . They March to the beat of their own drum . They have names like Peyton Kelly Julie and Carol and like to wear ripped jeans .
Hey let’s go to Peyton’s pad “She’s a real GG “ yeah she is a GANGSTA GRANNIES !
Trying to look hard thru a screen usually because they are hoping to gain the respect that they lack in their real life.
Damn that Athena sure is a internet gangsta
Being the coolest person around yet is still very childish or immature.
Michael is gangsta fwesh, while Ruzzell is not and can learn a thing or two from his gangsta fweshness
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Jail or Juvie, or any correctional facility. it enables gangsters to get smarter.
Homie 1: Yo, i heard that nigger Travis was caught B&E. he's in the gangsta college now.
Homie 2: Man, he's a bama
36👍 8👎
The Black Gangster Disciple Nation was formed on the South-side of Chicago in the late 1960s, by David Barksdale, leader of the Gonzanto Disciples, and Larry Hoover, leader of the Supreme Disciples. The two groups united to form the Black Gangster Disciple Nation (BGDN).
David Barksdale became the leader of BGDN and Hoover became his second in command. Barksdale died in 1972 and Hoover took over the leadership position. After Barksdale's death, Jerome Freeman, who was loyal to Barksdale and never wanted the two groups to unite in the first place, established a parallel leadership position to Hoover. As a result of this split, two distinct groups emerged within the BGDN. Freeman formed a street gang which calls itself Black Disciples or BDs, while Hoover renamed his gang the Black Gangster Disciples or BGDs.
These two gangs have at times been bitter rivals. The Black Disciples have remained relatively small in numbers, and have not branched out like the BGDs.
The BGD are presence throughout the United States. Chicago is the location of their leaders and they have a strong presence in most Midwest cities. The BDG is one of the country's largest criminal organizations.In the mid-1990s a federal task force was formed to investigate the BGD involvement in several murders and drug sales. The government found the gang was making over $100,000,000.00 a year in illegal drug sales. Several high ranking members were convicted and are serving life sentences.
The gang has made several attempts to legitimize their image. Some members dropped the "B" and began to call themselves GDs or Gangster Disciples. In the 1990s the Gangster Disciples entered into politics through the formation of the "Growth and Development" movement. Gangster Disciples began blanketing the city of Chicago attempting to register voters from the inner city. They then "encouraged" the newly registered voters to vote for candidates loyal to their cause. While incarcerated, the Black Gangster Disciples will unite with allied gangs under the guise of the Brothers of Struggle (BOS). The gang continues to be involved in large scale drug trafficking, murders and white-collar crime.
The Gangsta Disciples use the six-pointed star, (the "Star of David") as their symbol, which represents life, loyalty, understanding, knowledge, wisdom, and love. They also use the upward crossed pitchforks, and a heart with wings.
Tattoos utilized by the BGD include: a devils tail; a top hat with a staff the top of the staff has a pitch fork with the numbers three, six, zero, and at the bottom is an upside down cross.
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Gangsta rap was formed...i think it was '87 maybe earlier by N.w.A., the niggas wit attitude. people often get rap and gantsa rap confused when they say all rap glorifies rape, murder, women as sex objects, guns, etc...however when you hear these lyrics you are listening to gantsta rap, not just normal rap. gangsta rap is credited as the reason why hip hop music is so controversial. lately, gangsta rap has become much more tame (although it is still pretty hardcore, look at DMX) then the days of NWA.
If you hate hip hop and think it is all about bad shit, look at some other rappers that are not in gangsta rap, for example chamillionaire, paul wall, mos def, etc
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Some one who will talk a lot of shit over a status or on a picture, mabye even in chat if there balsy. But when you try to tell them to say it to your face or confront them they decide its best to run away and scream like a pussy. Then the next day they do it again.
Kid 1: (on Facebook status) YO FAGET!! Fuck you and your mother. You a pussy ass nigga.
Kid 2: Oh yea, say that to my face in school tomorow.
Kid 2: You fucking facebook gangsta go to hell
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