A water Giraffe is a rare species. This animal’s main food source tends to be KFC. If they happen to be unable to find a KFC, they simply eat from a chicken tree. The main predator of a Water Giraffe is the lion fish.
Did you see that Water Giraffe walking to your house?
Code word for when “that psycho” is at it again in school. Can also refer to that psycho themselves, when used in this context it’s important to remember that the person does not intend to harm others, but is actually overstimulated and overwhelmed.
Yo look at that Turquoise Giraffe over there!!
When you have to take a shit really bad, and you're past the point of Prairie Dogging. This is typically the point where you start standing up on the tips of your toes in order to give yourself that extra inch or so as you long legged strut towards the closest bathroom or equivalent. Common phrase to describe this is "Riding the Brass Giraffe". Those that frequently hold it in to the absolute very last minute are known as Brass Giraffe Jockeys.
"Watch out, looks like George is riding the Brass Giraffe! I swear that Giraffe jockey needs to either start taking breaks or investing in some Depends."
A Smoky mountain giraffe is a person who is extremely high on drugs
That guy is high as a Smoky mountain giraffe. Your mom is a Smoky mountain giraffe
Harold the giraffe is shorter than Thomas.
Look! It's Harold the Giraffe on the ladder, trying to reach for the top shelf in a 7/11 convenience store!
A teenager who is very thin and tall, almost inexistent, who tries to blap some thots.
Matt: Im finna blap Anklass quick
Finkle: Boi you a suicidal giraffe you got no clout
One huge giraffe orgy involving the giraffes wearing sunglasses and bowties
I think my neighbors are having a giraffe party