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Hate speech

(formerly free speech) A term used typically by a left leaning individual to dismiss an argument they do not like or can't think of a rebuttal for. If you cannot be proven right with logic, reducing your opponent's argument and character is a good way to come out virtuous and save face. Continuing to label things as hateful reduces the idea space of things you need to comprehend, making it easier to recite answers for arguments you don't have a fully formed opinion on. Reducing language is the best way to limit the amount of things you need to learn. If quantum mechanics class was too difficult, simply label it hate speech and there's no need to learn the formulas!

See also: cancel culture, closemindedness, ignorance is bliss, misinformation

Alice: you just contradicted yourself
Bob: no I didn't that's you are just peddling hate speech and/or misinformation


Alice: I hate it when they report raw impartial data
Bob: data and statistics is the purest form of hate speech

by TruthSeeker1999 February 7, 2022

86๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fellate Hate

The savage disdain that some crazy women and some truly disturbing men have for the act of fellatio. The women are known as "Selfish, frigid bitch" and the men are known as "Sexually repressed, unfucktionate weirdo". There does seem to be a rule here however, when it comes to those who will open declare Fellate Hate. The "Selfish, frigid bitch" will usually have absolutely no issue whatsoever with cunnilingus, whereas the "Sexually repressed, unfucktionate weirdo" will have strong opinions against it. It's clear that one needs a sharp re-education, and the other needs shooting, as it is the kindest solution.

"How are things going with Rebecca?"
"That's SO over"
"Why? You guys were great together"
"I thought so too, until she openly admitted her fellate hate"
"Damn, what's wrong with that woman??"

"So, how are things with Tim?"
"We broke up after he twisted away when I tried to suck him off- he suffers with serious fellate hate"
"You're well out of it then!"

by MagickDio April 23, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

hate magnet

1. a person who is unanimously hated by everyone.

2. a person who attracts the hate or dislike of other

1. Everyone thinks my girlfriend is a hate magnet because she's acting like a b*tch.

by JigaJigacallagrlbo October 20, 2007

32๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

hate handles

obliques, since nobody loves "love" handles.

Water? That'll go straight to your hate handles!

by dom8 July 3, 2010

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

hate fuck

An act of aggressive sex with someone as if they had no respect for the person as an equal human being, regardless if they actually do, or not. Hate fucking usually entails aggressive, sometimes violent, degrading, and humiliating sexual acts and behaviors perpetrated by an aggressive party onto a submissive, solely in the interest of the aggressor's own pleasure and amusement, and without regard for the submissive party's enjoyment or well being.

Unlike rape, hate fucking is a form of consensual sex where the submissive party has agreed (for whatever reason) to accept the treatment and behavior of the aggressor. Though unlike proper BDSM, the submissive party has not previously discussed boundaries, likes or dislikes, and doesn't necessarily enjoy all, or even any of the treatment they receive.

Women with low self-esteem, and most commonly women in porn, are often the subjects of a hate fucking.

by pseudodumbass November 30, 2013

266๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž


When two people rag on each other when they are secretly sleeping together. Also used as a type of foreplay, and usually comes as a predecessor to "hate-fucking".

"Wow Mike was really mean to Susie today."

"No I heard they are having an affair, so they were probably hate-flirting with each other."

by Thy Nguyen October 18, 2008

28๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hate Life

A term used for mild celebration, or a sarcastic term for a positive attitude towards life.

"Yeah man, i ollied that set of 3... hate life!"

by This Is Colour May 15, 2007

41๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž