A very athletic Capricorn that loves soccer and is know as a GOAT in soccer. Has the best soccer skills in soccer and is not a junk food lover. Has a not to big ego and has pride and feels like there responsible for everything has many best friends because their friends are amazing.
Bro your the ile I can’t believe that and it’s good that you are bro
A nice girl that seems quiet but is super energetic and fun to be around once you get to know her
She is definitely an ile!
She’s such an ile.
Some that’s is THICCC ASF and that gets all the boys!! There very HOTT and is such a BAD ASS CHICK!!!
1: she is so sweet and lovable and a goofball but cares about everyone and is so pretty and she will always be there
2:she changed her gender to a boy her name to rILEyyy and he is gay and that’s ok
3: and he is my new 13 year old brother and not my sister
Ile is cute and my cool friend I appreciate a lot!
Ile's tend to send you cat pictures at 3am.
A very good person and personality, this person is also known as the GOAT in soccer and GOAT soccer skills in soccer. This person is not a huge or heavy eater. This person likes And wears good quality and sporty clothing such as Adidas, Nike, and Puma. They have many best friends and always feels like they’re responsible for everything.
He/she is such an ile. There such a show off