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Actively being cleansed of terrorists while delibrately avoiding civilian casualties.

After a long debate, our leaders chose that all the countries in the region harboring terrorists, must be 'Israeled'.

by LEBANESE-visionary January 10, 2024

111๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


New word: "Israeled" (verb) expulsion of a rightful owner by a trespasser. // The act of inviting oneself and friends to share a place with a stranger in a public place, only to subsequently request the stranger to vacate the place to accommodate a larger group's meeting or social gathering.

A: Someone asked to share your table at a coffee shop and then asked you to leave the table because they have a meeting??? Damn you got Israeled! // Looks like you have been Israeled!

B: Yes, and his Justification was : "my horoscope said that I should be sitting at this table so it's mine and if I'm not gonna steal someone else is gonna steal it"

by Someone else number 3 October 22, 2023

880๐Ÿ‘ 1180๐Ÿ‘Ž


The belief that support for Israel and Zionism should influence, dominate, and infiltrate political systems around the world.

He was a big proponent of Israelism.

by Alphabet_Rhino February 8, 2024

32๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jewish State of Israel

A terrorist organisation founded in 1948. This terrorist organisations likes to commit genocide and is filled with Zionists.

Jewish State of Israel sucks a lot

by RandomRandomXY December 26, 2023

51๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž

Occupied Israel

Palestinian territories

Palestine is occupied Israel not the other way around.

by Zionistman42069 May 4, 2024

321๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž

Israel Swag

to show how much swag you have as an israeli (i'm not)

i may not be jewish, but i got dem "Israel Swag"

by Megster3000X February 6, 2025

Israel is not stolen

People say Israel is stolen because they hate the Jews owning land, literally Israel existed before Palestine, before Islam was a real religion, the Islamic regime stole Israel from the Jews, after the Jews were exiled by the Romans, Palestine is not mentioned once in the Koran but Israel is (But for Jews, not Muslims), and they should realize Palestinian is not an ethnicity, it never was, it's a nationality the actual land belonged to the Jews, since 3000 years ago, Judaism and Christianity formed there this is the truth the leftist media wants to hide.

For more information look up Conservapedia, and search for Israel and Palestine.

Free Palestine From Islam (the territory) (Make it part of Israel)

Israel is not stolen when people say GRRR I HATE I ISRAEL THEY STOLE IT FROM THE MUSLIMS!!!!

You should know Israel came way before Palestine, It is not mentioned in the Koran once, the Muslims just stole it from the Jews by invading it, they have no claim to the land.

by Death To Islam October 24, 2024

164๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž