Jill Hudson and Bald Martin with Matthew Wild are killing morgz and kiera
Jill Hudson and Bald Martin with Matthew Wild are killing morgz and keria
The worst film of times but it has Adam Sandler. Who doesn't love Adam Sandler. I feel sorry for you if you got tickets to the movie theater to watch Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill went up the hill to smoke some #########. Jack got high and slapped her thigh and said you know you wanna. Jill said yes, lift up her dress and then they had some fun. Silly Jill forgot her pill and now they have a son.
Slang term, rhyming slang for ecstasy tablets
Oi bruv get some of them jack and Jill’s me and the boys are going raving
Fucking hell mate I was so spanked from them jack and Jill’s me jaw was swinging
Jack and Jill went up a hill
So Jack could Lick her candy
But Jack got a shock and a mouthful of cock
Because Jill's real name is Andy
a mix of "jim burger" and "bill money"
hey, you wanna go to jill boney's house later?
What tomboys of yore wanted most for Christmas.
If Jack and his hill-climbing female companion both had folding-blades tools named after them (i.e., hers would be called a "jill knife"), what sort of slicing/carving-device would be named for da clear drinkable fluid dat they were carrying their empty bucket up said incline to fill up wif some of it? Maybe a water-jet cutter?
Jill Bond- A beautiful person inside and out. Weird, hilarious, smart and everyone wants to be around her. Best mother in so many ways. (Anybody that has a Jill Bond in their life is super lucky) - Warrior! Trooper! and so admirable :) 😘
Jill Bond - Wife, Mother, sister and best friend