Laura is a hot person. She is pretty and also beautiful. she is perfect and stunning. laura lahnoud is a queen
laura lahnoud is perfect! I love her.
they is a bitch ass no dick in my ass bitch teacher she gets no dick so she takes it out on her students till this day she still dont get any dick like wtf
A very hot and level minded milf who was outed and fired from her job for being a lesbian in the late 90s. Will be blunt and tell you her honest opinion while recommending therapy. Don’t cut her off
Man I really need a Laura Peterson in my life.
A fantastic Human being who has been to hell and back and came out on top.
Be Like Laura Burnett and you will never be sorry.
At one point both of us will be long gone, and all that will be left of our epic friendship for future generations of users to look at is this entry.
-Look at these girls, they look like they’re really having fun over there.
-Yeah, it’s Kristian and Laura.
Laura May is a smart kind girl who is sporty and always wants to be right.Even though she is cheeky she can be quiet at times and loud at others.She is not afraid to share her opinions
You should be more of a Laura May and spit it out
When a girl falls for 5 gay guys (sometimes this definition is stretched to fit any guys who are not attracted to girls) before she dates a guy. It is often a repeating cycle.
Wow , I heard Carol fell for a fourth gay guy, at least that means she’s almost completed the Laura method.