It is another name for stray kids the K-pop group
Stray kids are the 4 gen leaders
Said by the women whist having sex, also slang for cock
Ooh, *insert name here* get your proxima leader inside me
Salty Squad "Leader" : Adjective: the leader of a squad, who refuses to recognize how important each member is. Typically believes that his actions alone can guarantee a vicotry or win in the underlying event. Will give props to another member of the squad when they do well, however, he believes it was a direct result of him being there.
Hand tat Matt is such a salty squad "Leader".
The Raven Team Leader is a Fortnite skin for down bad players. Most post about this skin are about it using the ¡Que no panda el cúnico! emote in the game.
Bro 1:“I GYATT to buy the Raven Team Leader. It’s so sexy bro”
Bro 2:”you need metal help.”
baddest fn character to ever exist besides panda team leader and chun li stg
person 2: kys
Raven team leader is a skin in fortnite most love by her big silly cute expressions standing out in her dark hood. But also for her color pallet of purple mix with grayish blue. But it's the mix cuddle team leader and raven (fortnite)
You miss out season og of fortnite I gotthe new raven team leader skin.
Fortnite skin that gooners are going bananas for, released in season OG
Friend 1: Did you see that Raven Team Leader edit
Friend 2: I've GYATT to see it
Friend 3: Why am i friends with you?