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Naruto logic

a phrase that might make sense and is senseless at the same time :D

Naruto logic example: You cannot be in the cafeteria unless you are in the cafeteria.

by Mayoshi November 20, 2007

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The unique, fractured reasoning negroes use to explain or rationalize events or situations. Usually precedes niggababbling.

Statistically, black women have ~70% illegitimate children, and single parents households. This should be a guarantee of poverty. But with nig-logic, they are poor because of whitey.

by realto October 29, 2011

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Dope Logic

Dope Logic is the thought process of some one that is horribly, excessively baked, stoned, high (whatever you call it in your area). Signs of Dope Logic include saying 'man' a lot or 'dude' (esp. in california). Another sign is half completed thoughts.

(smokin' the herb)
AJ - "Dude... I'm so baked... It's like.... I don't know...
Billy - "Yeah man, this is some straight like, Dope Logic... or some shit man, hehehehe."
AJ - "Dope Logic? Where'd you come up with that shit dude? That's fuckin'... like... perfect to describe the fuckin'.... situation I guess, hehehe."
Billy - "Man I don't know... shit just like.... I don't know, it comes to me. Like a fuckin'... uhh... fuckin'... I don't know dude. It just does man."

by Dope Logix January 26, 2009

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lys logic

that illogical logic which is the excuse for all things "lys"

"since the duck died, it must have liked motorcycles!"
"it's lys logic"

by Anonymous January 29, 2003

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ironic logic

a word to describe comprehension of a concept that you initially thought you wouldn't grasp.

I am glad i read that book, now i understand, it was ironic logic really!

by VICKI KARMA November 11, 2006

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diego logic

A bunch of random words strewn together to sound logical used in order to prove a point. Diego logic may also consist of just saying something along the lines of: "Because I feel like it..."

person1: Why are you throwing rocks at orphans?
Person2: Because I want to.
person1: Oh, Diego Logic.

by Diegoooooooo October 23, 2013

Simple Logic

Secretly an alt

Person 1: Bro who is simple logic
Tingles: not me!

by Aguywithashortname November 14, 2019