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MORONIC TELEVISION-I remember in the fucking day when you watched MTV to listen to music, not watch some fucking retarded reality show or a bunch of wannabe gangstas who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. The kids who watch MTV think it is cool to pretend they are just like these wannabe gangstas. If they want to be just like them, then go out and buy some fucking shoe polish and smear it all over their face and act like a fool.

I think MTV sucks a big puss infected dick!

by nunyabiznessasshole March 30, 2007

49πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


MTV has just launched their new logo for their little brother channel MTV2 and have been aggressively promoting it since the last Superbowl. I know that malicious companies like to show their true intentions through symbolic logos. I have to hand it to to people behind the scenes at MTV; they must really think that nobody knows what they are really up to. Let’s just take the new logo their using β€œa two-headed dog?” Their just seemed something too evil about that. I knew that the Cerberus guarded the gates of Hades, but that one had three heads. I searched further and found the story posted above and it makes total sense now. MTV is the Orthrus and is guarding the captive cattle, β€œthe dazed hive-mentality youth of today.” The conditioning has been there for a long time and now they are just getting an extra laugh rubbing in our face in plain view. We know now that MTV is the cattle herder, but what is the real monster that it’s working for?

Eurystheus, for his tenth labor, gave Heracles the task of bringing back the cattle, which belonged to the monster Geryon. This involved killing the sentinels who watched over the cattle and their master, then, driving the herd over land and sea back to Greece single handed, which made this a very precarious adventure. This monstrous beast was the son of Chrysaor, which makes him nephew of the Gorgon, Medusa. Geryon had three bodies, six arms, six legs and three heads and his appearance was that of a warrior. He lived on Erytheia, a mythical island far to the west, Geryon was the owner of huge herds of cattle, and they were protected by the herdsman Eurythion and the two-headed watch-dog Orthrus.

by Ryan B February 15, 2005

181πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž


MTV, also known as Music Television, is nothing more than an organization which supports popular culture. Also a liberal machine, MTV supports anything that "goes against the man". Many young people live their lives by the gospel of MTV.

MTV is a fucking regime.

by Kool aid April 12, 2005

27πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


a pice of shit channel that now sux
its a waste of time for people who are tryin to channel surf

theres too many mtv's

by i dont know October 12, 2003

24πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


So-called Music Television that has become somewhat diluted by weird ass reality shows (That at first seemed hip, see first season of Real World and then became RETARDED.)and Carson Dailly. They are given great amounts of credit for introducing the world to Serena Altschul, the way to hot, way to intelligent Mtv News Anchor...who is now safely with CNN.

See Bisexual

by alix January 22, 2004

31πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


a television channel that plays mostly rap and poseur-punk music. The only good artist they play is No Doubt, I could have screamed when they took Daria off the air.

The only decent show now is Big Urban Myth Show

If MTV is Music Television, why don't they play music?

by Gwen Stefani Grrl October 7, 2003

28πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A complete waste of air-time.
Why call it Music Television... when there's no music?
And I don't consider Justin Timberlake or OK GO as music.
I remember back in, oh 1997? when they played music videos. And they interviewed bands that had talent. Bands that actually have real FANS. Not this talentless shitty bands that's on there now.

"omg lol did u watch date mi m0m last nite? lmao!1 it waz hilarius"
No. Reality shows on a what's supposed to be a music channel.

"i just saw da new sno0p dawg videdo!!!!! WATCH iT DUH!!"
Rap isn't considered music.


by cool kid. January 4, 2007

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž