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MTV- "Its all about the money and the way you look" "look at my crib its better than yours"

by ***emo__queen*** July 17, 2008

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A television channel that used to be good, until evil cooperators took over and thought that everything should run THIER way, in the world of Next, and Made, and whatever crap they have on now. If you live by the rules of mtv, you must

Be gay/fruity
Preppy and hate your parents, blonde and have big boobs
Emo ''everyone hates me''

mtv is very pathetic indeed

I knew Shayla was watching too much mtv when she dyed her hair blonde and asked her mother for a boob job

by Kristin and Kristen Company November 8, 2006

18πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


MTV is a channel created in 1981 with the intent of "creating a generation" accordng to the producers. they did just that, a drug adddicted, lazy generation with no direction who all want to have sex with eachother and spread STDs'while they snort some more coke. "VH-1" was created in 1985, you now know it as "VH1" (no hifen thingy). MTV is overley dramattic and for people who are still vergins jacking off to beonse' videos. theres to much about black people, real black people dont act like that i know many of them and this is from a white boy in the "westside". it gives people a false reality and i really dont want to watch homosexuals, gays, quere, faggggs! or whatever you want to call them... make out on national television!!! turn your channel over to VH1 or atleast CMT for the cowboys.... save a horse ride a cowboy ;)!

my old girl friend used to force me to watch MTV on the phone with her for hours on end. i broke up with her, blocked MTV and only watch VH1 now

by andrew sunkthepunk July 9, 2005

27πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


The lava lamp of the 1980's

"MTV is the lava lamp of the 1980's."
-Doug Ferrari

by Mertown June 9, 2007

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


MTV: A show that cavemen watch. Historians think it has most probably appeared in the ice age, near the 1980's.

MTV is for cavemen. Most of the population on this earth are cavemen because a lot watch MTV.

by Zee Dogg May 26, 2007

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The current "MTV", which stands supposedly for "Music Television" but plays very very little music, is essentially where the propagandists and far left wingers start their agenda campaigns to brainwash America's youth (and increasingly spilling into the brainwashing of 20's, 30's and even 40 year olds).

Watching history via a timeline, when MTV played and promoted mostly 80's Pop and New Wave, everyone walked around with similar attitudes and clothing/hair styles. When MTV decided to play mostly Heavy Metal, most of the kids grew their hair long, dressed like Skid Row and MΓΆtley CrΓΌe. When MTV decided to promote depression metal (aka alternative/grunge) like Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, everyone took on the same mentality and attire. Currently, it appears the MTV has been bought out by the biggest racist of all, Spike Lee, because MTV now has become a 99.9% black channel, and thusly millions of brainwashed white girls are in relationships (aka "fucking" and being dropped like a nigga dropping a stolen car stereo while being chased by the po po) and having millions of unwanted mixed race babies.

In summation: Whatever MTV chooses to promote, America becomes, like a bunch of mindless zombies.

Ashley says to her white girlfriend: "tee hee hee, turn on MTV *in whiny voice drawing out the letter V*, I wanna see the new Lil Wayne video where his teeth are all covered in gold and diamonds and his twiggy bony ass is shirtless and his pants are hanging down to his kneessss, he's sooo sexyyy, I just wanna fuck him so bad!!! ermagerd!"

"Errrmahhgerddd Britneeeee, have you heard that new song on MTVVV? i LOVE the autotune and repetitive mind numbing beat loops, and shitty singing by Rhianna in it! Jay Z is sooo fucking HOT my panties get sooo wet!"

by KeepinItRealYo September 25, 2012

14πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Music TeleVision. It is a chanel that unfairly catches criticism from both bible belt conservatives, who say it is imoral, and from obnoxious teenage "communists" who wear Che Guevera tee shirts but can't distinguish between Vladimir Lennin and John Lennon. The second group says it is capitalist, prepy, and materialistic.
MTV has problems, not for it's image, but for it's musical tastes which have realy gone downhill. With the possible exceptions of Outkast, Eminem, Kanye West, and Green Day, not a single act currently on MTV is going to be remembered ten years from now. It's full of strip hop and emo.
But in all fairness, MTV has had it's good moments. It gave Guns n' Roses their first big Break. It called extremely heavy attention to Nirvana (admittedly a mixed blessing), and got the Prodigy attention. Besides, I know it's strange to imagine a time when Jacko was big, but heard of thriller? That was all MTV.

MTV's gone downhill, but they sure used to rock.

by king of canada August 7, 2006

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