A perfect person. You'll be lucky to have them.
Person 1: I'm glad Moss is my friend
Person 2: Me too
To turn something technical off and on again.
This laptop is really not behaving right, I'm going to Moss it.
moss in the most coolest, nicest and sexiest person i’ve ever met!
moss is so fucking cool.
moss is the swaggiest baddest b in town, they are so swag oh my goodness everyone pails in comparison to their immense amounts of swag they are so pog
"hey did you speak to moss today? oh my god they're so swaggy"
"ikr, everything that comes out of their mouth is pure fax, I pogchamp every time i see them"
Dutch word mostly used in rotterdam meaning bro or fam.
Moss lets go
The best most awesome person in the world they are so cool and i love them
human: do you know Moss?
Me:You mean the best person in the world?