a slang synonym for someone that is known for "not being wrong".
1: I told you that this definition doesn't mean what you though it meant. Am I being nash?
2: Am I being nash to say that I was right to claim that your ex left you after she lied to you?
A person with a massive penis and is super smart, funny, handsome, charismatic, NOT GAY, and more good stuff.
"He is soooooo Nash"
Nash is the kindest person to ever exist, he loves being energetic and goofy to all his closest friends. People expect that he is scary or terrifying, but he isn’t! When you are around him, he is funny, astute, charming, and mean at the same time. 🥰He is the most romantic and exciting person to be friend with. Most people don't usually listen to his vulnerabilities but he is approachable! He is a hardworking and dedicated person, you never know what he has prepared for his future. Be friends with nash, because in the end he will cherish and express his gratitude to you.
Nash rarely gets compliment, if you see him compliment him!
Show him your attention!
A ho who loves everyone especially her friends and family! Shes an amazing friend. But shes also a whore sometimes
April nash is such a good friend!
In a state of very lovable drunkenness
Kate got so Ash Nashed last night, she kept hugging everyone the whole time.
She’s very attractive, she tends to attract allot of females mostly by her looks.
Nash Manuel is so attractive OMG
Liam Nash, aka Copper 4 (previously 3), aka nasher, aka Bnash, is the prophet to Haafism and by proxy the leader, he engages in the initiation ceremonies to become official members, and is one of Haafs most devoted followers. In my personal opinion something about looking at him reminds me of warrior cats and im not entirely sure why. I know your reading this Liam. I KNOW YOU SEE THIS.
Me: YES I TOLD YOU BRUH!! Can I milly rock?
Liam Nash: uhhhh idk what to put here i just needed to add the name in to be anle to upload it