Source Code

negative KD

a Kill-Death ratio that is below than 1.0 .

1 :hey what's ur kd in rainbow six siege

2: 0.8 kd
1: thats a negative kd u should definitely uninstall.

by vortex.killa July 26, 2021

1👍 4👎

Negative sketchy

Adjective. When something is not sketchy.

I.e. Pushys.com, Amazon.com, Stileapp.com, etc.
Sketchy website include: Ebay, 123movies, Ebay, blakejennison.threadless.com and Ebay.

P1: Yo boss, that website looks mega chungus sketchy.
P2: Nah, don't worry, it's negative sketchy.
P1: Okay boss.

by The Killer Bean Recruitment August 12, 2020

Negative Skill

What the Champ2025 has on TarminStreams's Twitch channel

Look at that guy who has negative skill, he must be TheChamp2025

by Hello Mario December 19, 2021

Negative 60

Someone who got a terrible score in cards

Marshall got a negative 60

by Marshall got-60 May 19, 2022

Negative 60

Someone who got a terrible score in cards

Marshall got a negative 60

by Marshall got-60 May 19, 2022

Negative view

A view of someone/something that is not positive.

I'd rather someone had a negative view of me than a false positive one. At least it's their view of me, and not a view I forced them to have because I was desperate to prove I didn't care what anybody thought of me. Of course I care as much as the next guy/girl what other people think of me, but they're still going to think what they are going to think anyway, and that's the reality of it.

by Solid Mantis December 22, 2020

Kick Neg

Fucking random word i came up with

You Kick Neg

by Protoful April 8, 2021