a Kill-Death ratio that is below than 1.0 .
1 :hey what's ur kd in rainbow six siege
2: 0.8 kd
1: thats a negative kd u should definitely uninstall.
1👍 4👎
Adjective. When something is not sketchy.
I.e. Pushys.com, Amazon.com, Stileapp.com, etc.
Sketchy website include: Ebay, 123movies, Ebay, blakejennison.threadless.com and Ebay.
P1: Yo boss, that website looks mega chungus sketchy.
P2: Nah, don't worry, it's negative sketchy.
P1: Okay boss.
What the Champ2025 has on TarminStreams's Twitch channel
Look at that guy who has negative skill, he must be TheChamp2025
A view of someone/something that is not positive.
I'd rather someone had a negative view of me than a false positive one. At least it's their view of me, and not a view I forced them to have because I was desperate to prove I didn't care what anybody thought of me. Of course I care as much as the next guy/girl what other people think of me, but they're still going to think what they are going to think anyway, and that's the reality of it.