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There are loads of definitions for Emo,
And everyone has a different opinion of it.
Emo is a form and style of music, generally bands such as My Chemical Romance, Fugazi, and such.
But this is no reason to say that the emo stereotype doesn't exist.
Because if it didn't exist, we wouldn't have the emo kids.
Generally, when Emo comes to mind, people think of band logo t-shirts, tight skinny jeans, and assymetrical black hair.
But emo is not about the look, nor the style. It's a lifestyle and way of thinking.
Not depression. Not suicidal.
You have many people classified as preps and jocks and other labels that can be depressed and have suicidal thoughts.
Many of the emo friends I have are cheery and artistic.
And, oh get this, their emotions are quite in check.

Emo 1: S'time to go to the concert. Moshpit!!
Emo 2: Fuck yeah! *grabs tickets*

Emo Kid: *jumps up and down*
Normal Kid: What are you doing??
Emo Kid: I'm celebrating the anniversary of my rubber duck's birth.
Normal Kid: Wtf?
Emo Kid: *mocks an emo poser* You.. don't understand! *laughs*

by KannibalisticKarnie January 6, 2008

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1) People who whine about problems they most often don't even have.
*****Background Info: I know people at school (emos) who try to not like anyone but their own little group of people, and don't try to do anything fun.

2) Creepy Goth-posers.
*****Background Info: The people that call themselves emo at our school, try as they might, wear dark clothing and what-not, but still can't achieve the greatness and elegance of the Goths.

3) Miserable freaks that actually have a high self-esteem, but cut themselves to make others feel sorry for them, baby them, and do shit for them because they think the emo is going to kill itself.

4) People who listen to the following: Fall-Out-Boy, My Chemical Romance, Good Charlotte, Greenday, Simple Plan, Bowling for Soup, or any other nasily nasty pathetic fag bands. Yuck!!!!!!!!

1) Emo: I'm bored. Maybe I'll tell my mom I hate her, dump my normal friends, and shop for more itchy sweaters and tight weird looking pants! Yeahhhhhhh!
Goth: You're such a fag. Sheesh...

2)Emo: I want to be like that cool Gothic girl over there. It just isn't fair! Humph! I'm gonna cut myself.
Goth: Word of advice: cutting yourself isn't gonna help your pitiful helpless pathetic and selfmutilated soul. Get a life...Oh, wait..You're already trying to be like me! What a sick puppy!

3) Emo: It isn't fair! Why are all of those people talking to the Gothic girl and not me?! Maybe if I cut myself, they'll all come over and try to help me quit bleeding.
(Emo cuts itself, and yells for help, while standing 5 feet away from a group of people talking to the Goth girl........Nobody cares.......)

4) Fags who wear plastics bags to hide the lines beneath their sags. Hey that rhymes! Cool.......

Post Script: I'm a Goth, and I dress like a Redneck, prep, Goth, or whatever. Word of advice to emos: Quit trying to be like us goths, and be yourself, because I'm pretty sure that there's a great person cowering behind that pathetic Punk mask.

by Meagan Eden Rogers April 16, 2006

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A word that people who have no idea what the hell they are talking about use to describe music that is different or they do not understand. Mostly used when the members of the band wear facepaint, black, or sing love songs, or perhaps any combination of the above.

As seen on YouTube comments for a Dimmu Borgir video:
randomguy: this shit is so emo! emo fags!
randomguy2: it is metal you dumbshit! if youre gonna make fun of something at least know what the f*** youre talkin about.

by runtothehills07 December 29, 2007

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A fucked up bitch that just so happens to be less intelligent than a nerd, but is still socially outcast, and therefore will submerge him/herself in a lame subculture where everyone is a carbon copy of one another, then they appear to have serious emotional problems with their friends, family, school,work,cat,dog,parrot,detroit,their lampshade,a bus tire, wet fence wood, rubber products, toothpaste, real people, origionality, attemting to be mediocre at any musical instument, learning basic phrases, and drinking milk. they also appear to enjoy cutting themselves as punishment for them bitching about bitches. therefore, they accomplish nothing but looking like a jolly ol' fool. oh dam it seems as if they would stop there, but oh noes! it gets far worse, they see it fit to bring normal people, (like you, me, bob, and someone else in the construction biz.) by saying "gee, it sure is depressing round here" and then we say, mai boi!" this peace is what all true americans strive for." then they say,"I just wonder what my girlfriends up to." then we say,"Enough!" and see thats no good, because that lead nowhere and was a waste of time.but oh dear, wouldntcha know that they are up to their evil parlor tricks, like slashing parts of their fragile, pasty bodies with a razor blade. (enter the dramatic music, better yet, the sandman.) lo and behold, they have slit their wrists, now lets watch them proceed to write a pissy lil song about how the sweat builds up on their ass crack and it itches, u know what? im sick of your culture, its a no-no. fuck off noonie-heads.


they're right about one thing...... they do deserve to die! for forced reason, i will enter this word, emo.

by technonocon August 2, 2008

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emo is when a teenager is overly emotional or very sensitive. the majority of the definitions on this websites that have to do with emos are only making fun of them.one thing to know is that not ALL emos cut themselves. they are children approximately from ages 14 through 18, that are unstable with their own emotions and become depressed. they tend to cry alot, read alot of books, write poetry/ stories/ lyrics, & dress in a certain way. Emos usually have on almost all black or other dark colors. for example, navy,crimson,brown, and rarely neon.an emo always has a pair of converse/vans that looks like it has been worn for years. they can have lyrics written on then or drawings.their hair need sto be jet black and covering one eye & soemtimes spikey in the back.they wear mostly band t shirts or no name brands, mostly from Hottopic.extremely tight clothing is a MUST.

NOTE: many people think emos are bitter, retarded,etc. but actually ive met alot who has been very thoughtful ,sincere, and respectful. unfortunately, they get judged by stereotypes & the way they dress.

this is one type of stereotype :

john is prep & he is talking to alex, another prep.

john: wtf ?! look at that emo fag! he wears tight ass jeans & looks like a fucking girl!

Alex: i know right? dude, lets got beat him up!

emos take alot of shit from preps, goths, skaters, punks, etc.

by juliah December 1, 2007

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Emo (or emotional punk) is a subculture of mostly teenagers from white middle class suburbia, who claim that their life is hard and nobody understands them.

They wear mostly black but will often wear other stange items such as elmo backpacks (whilst crossing out the 'l'), or spiderman keychains. Emos often style their hair in rediculous fashions that can take hours to create.

Emo's constantly whinge and whine about how hard their life is and how everyone looks down on them but don't realise that they make their lives hard by acting this way and dressing like that makes people look down on them.

Emo's need to wake up to themselves and realise many people have it so-so-so-so-so-so much worse. I'm sure half of the Congo would give all 4 limbs to be in white middle class suburbia.

emo people: My chemical romance, Perez Hilton, Lady Gaga

by badass911 June 20, 2010

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"Emo" short for emotional.Most emo's are misunderstood and not all cut.But most people say they do.Also a style of mainly black clothing and stripes.

Mainly emo kids are made fun of for bing "wimpy","gay",or a "pussy fag".You can be all of those and not be emo.

by Ruthellen January 29, 2008

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